2 of them were arrested last conference. They assault us all the time. (Of course they go after the smaller guys) They are threatening violence this April. Riot and worse.
One that was arrested was a HIGH PRIEST in the church!
My pastor is not a Striker.
The Sunday pm session is a LDS priest only function. That is when the FILTHY Language starts! They curse like Truck drivers!

Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here is another example of misguided LDS who are taught by their leaders that all ANTI's are HIRED & payed to tract, preach or whatever. The Devil HIRED a Protestant Preacher(who is just a puppet of Satan) in the old Temple Ceremony. It is sad LDS are so gullible. 
FTR you could not pay me enough to take the abuse.

An abusive Mormon?????????????  Surely that must be an oxymoron!
Or do they behave differently on their home turf?

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