\o/ !HALALUYah! \o/
Greetings again J.D. in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!
John (having a hard time following anything) e-mailed:
Besides, what's the big deal about proof of Hebrew existence in the early Western Hemisphere to someone who doesn't even really know who the Hebrew Messiah is or what He taught?
You talking about me or yourself?  

Well, John, I see some more of your problem ... CONTEXT ... you cut out:
"Your priorities are w-a-a-a-y off."
So that would be YOU, John.  Can you follow anything?  You're not giving me any encouragement to bring you higher learning matters.

Proof please.   Incidentially, aren't you the one who was going about the Baptist and the KKK?
I don't know what you are talking about there, John.  Maybe that is your intent, to find something that I don't know about even if it is something that is not so.
Ahava b' YahShua
(Love in The SAVIOUR)
Baruch YHVH,
Chris Barr
a servant of YHVH
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 03/11/2004 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: J.D. -- Re: [TruthTalk] Arius the heretic?

In a message dated 3/11/2004 4:27:38 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Besides, what's the big deal about proof of Hebrew existence in the early Western Hemisphere to someone who doesn't even really know who the Hebrew Messiah is or what He taught?

You talking about me or yourself?  


Proof please.   Incidentially, aren't you the one who was going about the Baptist and the KKK?

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