A preacher said our ( 60's ) generation had no morals. This generation is without a conscience

Charles Perry Locke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
John, you may wish to review the following book:

"The Vanishing Conscience", by John F. McArthur, Jr. Word Publishing. 1994.

>Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] the conscience Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 23:42:12
>Some thoughts on the conscience?
>I am beginning a process that will allow a research paper on the
>As an avocation, I am still involved in pastoring -- as a pastoral
>counselor. The biblical message has high regard for the conscience of man
>while modern
>psychology does not. As a consequence, there is little or no secular
>research regarding the conscience.
>I am thinking that if we could understand just how the conscience is
>reestablished, we might have a tool of divine proportions that will assist
>youth-at-risk interventions.
>I need ideas about the conscience and how those ideas relate to the
>message. If any of you are aware of research, especially Christian based
>research, relating to matters of the conscience, point me in that
>I, of course, will have little problem coming up with biblical references
>so I do not scripture; rather, I will need interpretation or applications
>that are related to specific scripture.
>The conscience works with guilt and an internal moral code and only
>'convicts" or is triggered when we violate that code . it works to keep us
>true to
>ourselves. It never convicts, i.e., when we forget or fail to do
>that wrong or evil.
>In my life, it is interesting to observe my battle against cussing. I am
>quite accomplished in this area of endeavor. When I made the decision to
>stop that practice (I am journeyman finish carpenter) I (a) told no one
>of my
>decision and (b) within three or four days of abstinence, felt the pangs of
>guilt on the first occasion of failure. That guilt trigger was not
>because of
>social pressure because no one knew I had quit. My conscience had been
>revived in this regard within hours of my decision and practice. I just
>this to get some juices flowing out there in TT land.
>In Grace
>John Smithson

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