In a message dated 3/24/2004 1:14:34 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

"I AM A PHARISEE" not "I was a Pharisee."  

In addition to this observation,  Paul did not leave behind the practice of Old Covenant Law.   Let's not forget that he went thru temple purification (Acts 21).   

Actually, Paul's actions prove that nothing is as important as the workings of the gospel  ----  I did not say "preaching of the gospel" nor did I say "practice of the gospel."   The gospel of scripture (as I view scripture  --  my interpretation is just as inspired as anyone's, right?)  is the death, burial, resurrection and continued efficiency of the blow of the blood of the Lamb.   It means salvation for the entire world and it means salvation apart from obedience to God's "law"  (biblical references can be given in spades upon demand.)   Paul could go to the temple because he did not believe that form was the primary content of faith.     In fact, the closing verses of Romans 14 finds Paul instructing the doctrinally wrong brother (the vegetarian) not to violate his faith !!!   


Brother John  Smithson

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