Vince wrote:
> Watching the stars helps us determine time, the seasons, etc.

But what about the "signs."  The Bible mentions not just times and
seasons, but signs.  What do you think that means? 

Josephus noted that the destruction of Solomon's temple happened on the
exact same date as the destruction of Herod's temple in 70 A.D.  Was
that a coincidence or did the signs of heaven properly mark it? 

Jesus died on passover, a date determined by astronomical observations.

The Christians in Acts 2 received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on
Shavuot, the date when Moses received the Ten Commandments on Sinai.

I could go on and on, but the point is that God seems to have a
timetable for human affairs which correlates with the stars and planets.
Do you give this ANY merit at all, or do you just not want to hear it?

Vince wrote:
> Astrology does not have theories about the universe. 
> A theory is testable and the results of those tests 
> are reproducable by other trained scientists. 
> Astrological myths are not the same as a theory.

Ah, Vince.  Think about what you just said.  You speak like a pure
scientist as if the only theories are scientific theories.  Could it be
that some theories which are not testable might be true?  I would
propose to you that there are theories of both testable and untestable
varieties.  Your tendency to accept only theories as those being
testable is a product of the culture in which we live.  In other words,
you have been programmed to think and say what you just said in this
short paragraph quoted above.

Keep in mind that I certainly agree with you that there is a difference
between astrological theories and astronomical theories, but your
tendency is to dogmatically marginalize astrology because your worldview
is that truth only comes through objective and testable means.

Vince wrote:
> I don't believe that astrology foretold Jesus' birth. 

But the astrologers were the ones who came looking for him, the ones who
Herod quizzed, the ones who said they saw his star.  Why would they have
done this if they did not use their understanding in astrology to look
for him?

Vince wrote:
> The "star" did not act like a star. 
> It acted more like a spirit manifested as a star;

How do you know this?  What gives you this perception?

Vince wrote:
> the bible does equate the word star with angel 
> in some instances, so I suspect that this was 
> one of those instances.

Why then does the Bible call them "magi"?  Are you saying that these
astrologers saw an angel instead of using their study of stars?

Vince wrote:
> I ask again, where are we going with all of this?

Well, I'm trying to explore our different mindsets, to show how we each
have our own philosophy of things and approach matters with a
perspective that comes from a variety of sources.  Whether or not one
has studied history and philosophy has nothing to do with whether or not
we have this mental baggage over us when we read Scripture.  How we
interpret Scripture has much to do with how we live and the history of
our personal experiences as well as to the operation of the Holy Spirit
in our personal lives.

It seems to me that much of your objection to Bill's earlier post, or
perhaps the reason it went over your head, was because you have not
worked through thinking about the questions he was addressing in that
post.  The differences between astrology and astronomy is one that I
think gets to the heart of the matter, but if you look at astrology as
some ancient religious myth system not based upon studying the stars and
planets and correlating them with human events, then perhaps some
historical examination is necessary to help us compare astrology and
astronomy.  Hey, if nothing I have said thus far has stimulated your
thinking even one bit, then perhaps we should just forget it.  I thought
I was helping, but I am not the best communicator.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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