Blaine:  Hmmm, can you give me your exact time and place of birth?  I can't predict much without being able to place your sun, moon and planets in houses with reference to your rising sign.  You were born with the Sun in Saggitarius, Moon in Taurus, Mercury and Venus in Capricornus,  Mars in Aquarius, Jupiter in Pices, and Saturn in Libra. You might want to consult astrology books on those placements yourself. 
The problem with astrolgy nowadays is that it has no central school or authority, much like the traditional Christian religion.  This means anyone who wants can presume to be an authority on the subject--even worse, there is no "Bible" or Book of Mormon to go to for settling disagreements.  I personally believe in ancient times it may have been a real science, at least in sense that it used math and only pretty smart men were able to read it.  Let's face it, the astrologers or wise men from the East in Christ's time were able to employ it to locate the Lord's place and time of birth.   There is evidence the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob used it, and taught it to their children
.  How did it get started?
It's actual origins seem to have been lost in the dim past.  It may have originally been given to man as a revelation from God, but  has obviously become corrupted, and consequently today is looked upon as a despicable psuedo-science.   
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:20 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] astrology

>      Astrology is testable? Here's a test: I was born on Dec 20, 1950.
> Predict for me when I will find a job. For bonus points, tell me in what
> career field that job will be.
> vincent j. fulton
> On Wed, 24 Mar 2004 20:32:11 -0700 "Blaine Borrowman"
> <
> Blaine:  This has nothing to do with my Mormon upbringing, but I beg to
> differ with your statement,
> "  Astrology is not science. They make observations, but they have no
> > theories to explain the universe or any part of it. Their ideas cannot
> be
> > tested.
> Anyone familiar  with the subject of astrology will tell you much
> research has already been done.  For instance, the Rosecrucians did
> elaborate research on the relationship between astrological sign of birth
> (sun sign) and longevity.  This is definitely testable, and in fact the
> results were rather astounding--women born in the sign Gemini
> consistently tended to outlive women born in any other sign, and the same
> with men born under the sign Taurus, with Gemini men coming in a close
> second.  For both men and women, Sagitarrius was the shortest lived sign.
> I believe I could also show that certain signs favor certain others in
> choosing marriage partners--or friends.  This would be a simple test, and
> not hard to design an experiment using all of the known statisical
> methods familiar to scientists. 
> Your comments actually show your almost total ignorance of the subject of
> Astrology--I could say much more, but will suffice for now. 
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <
> To: <
> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] POLYANYI
> >
> >      Science needs math, but math doesn't need science.
> >
> >      Mathematicians and theologians both can and often do start with
> > premises which they find interesting but are not necessarily rooted in
> > the real world, then they follow out the logical implications of those
> > premises. The analogy breaks down in that theologians' conclusions can
> be
> > tried against God's truth as revealed in the bible, but there's no way
> > that I know of to check the conclusions of mathematicians.
> >
> >      Astrology is not science. They make observations, but they have no
> > theories to explain the universe or any part of it. Their ideas cannot
> be
> > tested. They cannot tell the future as they claim to do. They cannot
> > explain peoples' personality quirks as they claim to do. Astrology is
> to
> > astronomy as professional wrestling is to the olympics.
> >
> > vincent j. fulton
> >
> > On Wed, 24 Mar 2004 14:49:57 -0500 "David Miller" <
> > writes:
> > > Vince wrote:
> > > > Theology is more like math than science
> > >
> > > I'm not sure what you mean by this.  Math is the language of
> > > science.
> > > Without math, science cannot do what it does.  Maybe you can
> > > elaborate
> > > on what you had in mind when you said that theology is more like
> > > math
> > > than science.
> > >
> > > Vince wrote:
> > > > you start with an assumption or set of assumptions,
> > > > regardless of how much they do or do not seem
> > > > to reflect a real-world situation, then you derive
> > > > conclusions from those assumptions.
> > >
> > > Interesting.  I'm not trained in theology, but it sounds like you
> > > are
> > > saying that theology does not care how much the assumptions they
> > > make
> > > fit the real world?  Is that really what you meant to say?
> > >
> > > All disciplines of study, whether theology or science, make
> > > assumptions
> > > and reason from those assumptions. 
> > >
> > > Science reasons from the premise that Truth can be apprehended only
> > > through the physical senses.  Theology maintains an additional
> > > assumption, that we can gain knowledge through the spirit.
> > >
> > > Vince wrote:
> > > > Astrology is founded on fairy tales, superstition, etc.
> > > > To those who accept the basic premises of astrology,
> > > > that heavenly bodies have some sort of influence on
> > > > peoples' personalities and the events which occur in
> > > > peoples' lives, it's easy to believe the stuff pumped
> > > > out by astrologers. It makes sense to those who believe
> > > > the basic premises.
> > >
> > > Are you saying that there is no foundation at all for astrology?
> > > Doesn't Gen. 1:14 say, "let them be for signs..."?  Doesn't Daniel
> > > 6:27
> > > and Acts 2:19 affirm this also?  Wasn't the birth of Christ marked
> > > with
> > > a star? 
> > >
> > > I do not believe astrology is right for the believer in Christ, but
> > > I
> > > think you go too far to say that astrology is founded only on fairy
> > > tales and superstition.  I think Blaine would disagree too.  :-) 
> > > You
> > > are presenting a belief from your own culture and value system which
> > > is
> > > rooted in objectivity and materialism.
> > >
> > > Vince wrote:
> > > > Astronomy is, like all of the hard sciences, based
> > > > upon the scientific method. Observation with quantified
> > > > measurements of tangible things like mass, temperature,
> > > > speed, etc. Brainstorming / dreaming / imagining a
> > > > hypothesis. Making logical predictions based upon that
> > > > hypothesis. Experimenting to test those predictions.
> > > > Confirming or denying the validity of the hypothesis
> > > > based upon the results of the experiments. Reproduction
> > > > of the experiments and results by other scientists.
> > > > Peer review of the final package.
> > >
> > > You may not realize this, but astrology also proceeds along these
> > > paths.
> > > They observe the heavens, calculate positions, and they correlate
> > > it
> > > with events on earth. So what is the difference?
> > >
> > > Well, one philosopher has suggested that astrology attempts to
> > > modify
> > > their theory such that eventually their theory becomes
> > > unfalsifiable.
> > > Astronomy, on the other hand, has followed a method called "Strong
> > > Inference" whereby they disproved theories and constructed new
> > > hypotheses which they also attempted to falsify.  So the idea is
> > > that
> > > progress toward truth is better made when we construct hypotheses
> > > that
> > > are potentially falsifiable and then attempt to falsify it.  The
> > > underlying thinking here is that it is much easier to demonstrate
> > > one
> > > disproof to dismiss an erroneous idea rather than an infinite number
> > > of
> > > proofs to try and bolster an idea. 
> > >
> > > Peace be with you.
> > > David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
> > >
> > > ----------
> > > "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you
> > > may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
> > >
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> > >
> > ----------
> > "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
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