Lance, below:
>Bill cited a couple of passages from another book I'd commend along with him (I sell books)
Now we're actually gettin' to the bottom of this mess, Layman; you guys don't (plan or have to) read any of this Pollyanna drivel you/'ve post/ed(!)--that Izzy in ignorance irrationally adores
You guys are salesman(!)--her heart throbs, no doubt
TT is not becoming a commercial/ized endeavor, is it?
Mr. Moderator, please think about this question; haven't you noticed how Bill, et. al., insist that their valid, thoughtful, poignant critics "(wa wa wa) don't write to me any more, please", "do you get? honor my request to shut up please", etc.(?)--it sounds like the introit to a Walmart worship service
As below, as the evidence suggests, they, like DaveH, who said he isn't here for "truth", wanna purvey their star gazer myths and peddle their airheaded erudition here instead of at (e.g.), an actual marketing forum for marketing all sorts of novel and novice philosophy, or at an Evangelical booksellers convention for contrite, Passionate, and politically correct consumers
FTR, How does Lance's salesman agenda (below) square with the TT charter, goals, and objectives? Do we have to open a PayPal! acct to be here?
On Sat, 27 Mar 2004 17:57:25 -0800 (PST) Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Recommend: The Holy Bible

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Recommended: Faith Thinking:The Dynamics of Christian Theology-Trevor Hart-IVP 1995; That's Not What I Meant-Deborah Tannen, You Just Don't Understand-Deborah Tannen. For discussion: "Each living person draws upon two quite distinct sources of meaning..current and commonly understood..(this makes communication possible)..hidden beneath this lies a "private thesaurus" which each of us possesses, and which has been compiled through the radically individual set of experiences and associations which go to make up our unique human personality, and which lurks in our subconscious. When we communicate with others we do so only at the surface. What any two people "mean" when they utter or hear the same words, therefore will overlap only to a certain extent. One of the last things to be grasped when learning a new language is humour (the importance of getting the joke). This elusive matter of "meaning" might be a worthwhile pursuit. Language, any language is an aggregate of symbols. These symbols are not the meaning themselves but they point away from themselves to MEANING. Bill cited a couple of passages from another book I'd commend along with him (I sell books) Proper Confidence.  Blessings, Lance
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