Wow, talk about a delayed reaction! I must have really set you off with that one, g.  Please tell me what (Marxist) plan you have to replace Capitalism in America? EVERYONE on welfare? Or just set up a Theocracy now, with Jesus still not returned yet??? (I guess that would make you the leader instead?) J Izzy


Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Re:The Problem: Private Thesaurus


you've said more than any biblical author, Iz--they never mention/ed capitalism, or anything like it, let alone embrace it as you do


clearly, capitalism is not oriented to the bible, e.g., it has nothing to do with its commandments or the HS


capitalism is notoriously defiant--seldom convicted partic while the u.s. gov't embraces it, interestingly, just like you do...




even so, the u.s. gov't is not obligated to embrace capitalism, it just happens to embrace it right now...


diabolically opposed to God, the (world) gov'ts people embrace always rise out of converging, convenient, synthetic, and temporary solutions for them...


classic demonic solutions


how about the time JC fed the multitude his bread and fish with twelve baskets of supply over the full extent of demand


then the stuffed 'electorate' tried to make him King


and you sound like youda been gagagoogoo too over your basket of bread and fishes two..


but JC just walked off...


how unpatriotic of him--eh?


and, no matter who it is who'd do such a thing, even while you're eatin' like a King you're perpetually insensed because 'he' abandoned the country in it's hour of need...


don't you ever wonder how many of those food baskets he kept for himself?


G ~ P 235



On Sun, 28 Mar 2004 02:39:02 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes [re:]:


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