Brother Terry, you never cease to amaze me with your (admittedly redneck) wisdom!  Preach on….Izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Terry Clifton
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Walking after the Spirit


Actaully, Lets not forget -- as I have -- Terry's admonition about laying off this stuff for a week.   Terry, give us another point of discussion.   Sometime in the future, I would much edified if I knew something you the individual ministries (lay or professional).


Ask and you shall receive John.  Another point of discussion it is.
I was thinking today, that the way of the world is to climb to the top.  Actually, if you have pull or connections, the way of the world is to start at the top, but for Joe average, the measure of success is how far up the ladder you are.  You start at the bottom, and you take one of two routes.  If you work hard and long and show the qualities of leadership that those a rung above you are looking for, you can eventually grab all the gusto.  If you aren't really into hard work and do not have any real skill, you can still claw your way up by lying or cheating or taking credit for the work of another.  One way honorable and respectable in anyone's eyes, the other not so nice, but more and more an acceptable alternative.  Success, after all is success, no matter how you achieve it.
   Now compare that to the method that Jesus offers His followers.  Surprise!  There is no ladder!  Jesus does not advocate climbing to the top.  He is looking for people who are willing to start at the bottom and stay there.  Jesus is not looking for a few good men.  Jesus is looking for servants.  Christians with a servant heart.  People who are willing to deny self and lift up their brother or sister, put them first, consider their feelings and their needs.  They are not trying to leave their mark, they are trying to carry the cross.  The reward, the recognition, if there is any stored up, comes later.

Will everyone on this list who is doing that please show it by raising your hand.

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