Thanks for the scripture!
This picture you paint would seem to be one who is just by his works.
Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight
In comparing oneself with others, for the purpose of justification before God. (I do this I do that)
Notice that the man that prayed with himself,  also told God how awesome he was LUKE 18
The just man told God "be merciful to me a sinner."
Seems you are a little confused here.
When did I testify to all the things I did, cause I am so awesome.
I do remember Blaine giving a testimony on all the things he does. I believe it was in the context of why God should accept his person. I did not hear you say anything then why not?
Justification never comes through works.
My Justification does not come through lowering others, but thru the work of the Lord Jesus Christ and His shed blood. He paid for my sins past present & future and put them as far from the east is from the west
Romans 5:9 being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him

Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sorry Kevin, I was being sarcastic.  I figured you would catch it, but since you did not, let me put it another way.  There are those who are righteous, and know they know.  There are those who are righteous, and think they know, but they have been wrong before, so even though they are righteous, and they know, they are hesitant to make a statement that could possibly turn out to be less than the absolute truth at some later point in time.  Then there are the self righteous, those who are certain they know, but don't know.  In their pride, they simply assume that they know.  For a scripture reference, see Jesus' story about the Pharisee and the tax collector.  One was certain he was righteous. The other was only certain that he was a sinner.
I have never heard you say that you were anything close to a sinner, so when I get a mental picture of you,  it is hard not to see the pharisee, condemning the sinner while justifying himself.

I hope this picture is not correct.

                                                                                               Kevin Deegan wrote:

What do the self righteous know?
Please send some scripture on this.

Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The Righteous KNOW:
Yeah Kev, so do the self righteous, or self assured, and sometimes it's hard to tell the two apart.

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