\o/ !HALALUYah! \o/

Greetings Jonathan in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!


Funny indeed ... I rest my case.  You just spent 700 words on FontTalk rather than TruthTalk.
By the way, was that the Cliff Notes version of Psalm 119:165?
You used 700 words to rationalize that your false statements are OK with a whole round of more false statements.
I have much knowledge of you ... it is very easy with discernment from The Almighty.  I'll give you as much attention as The Saviour gave your brethren in John 8:39-47.  His words from verses 43-47 to them then are His words to you now.
FTR, my news columns are in typical news fonts because that part of my background goes back much further than my 'net background.  That is professional.  My general correpondence is different because it is personal.
FTR II, news columns don't use bold because of thriftiness and NOT due to "ease of reading" or any other drivel you pick up from some web site.  [You can justify a flat earth with a web site citation.]  Ink is EXPENSIVE and newspapers are out to make a profit.  There is no ink expense with e-mail.
Repent or perish.

Chris Barr

a servant of YHVH

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 04/07/2004 5:47 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Jonathan opts out of TruthTalk ...

Hi Chris,


*Laugh*  You are a funny guy.  I have never seen some one use scripture in a rebuttal on the use of a certain typeface.  You mention Psalm 119:165 and that I should obey it.  I shall quote it:  “Those who love your law have great peace and do not stumble.”  I have rarely seen a piece of scripture taken out of context so badly.  I found it very entertaining J The accusation of antinomianism (The doctrine or belief that the Gospel frees Christians from required obedience to any law, whether scriptural, civil, or moral, and that salvation is attained solely through faith and the gift of divine grace) is false and would be a great discussion to explore in later emails.  Having no knowledge of me other than my past 3 posts, accusing me of being antinomian is laughable.  For all you know I could be a member of your very own church; I could sit beside you every Saturday.  Would you respond in the same way to a fellow church member (who believes the exact same way you do) but only kindly requested you use a different font/typeface so that your message would be easier to read?


You think that I asked you to type in a normal productive way since the ‘truth’ of your posts is too much for me to handle; I better divert the attention of Truthtalk members by quickly pointing out your unorthodox use of typesetting.  You even go so far as to say that this distraction is a method that Satan uses (would I be wrong to think that you are implying that by asking you to use a readable and pleasing typeface that I am then to be lumped into participating in Satan’s work of distraction and diversion?  Did you honestly mean to imply that?)  There has been a discussion here lately on the conscience.  You may want to delve into that one if you really believe that my post was an attack against the content of your posts.  Have others attacked your posts in the past that you think that any reference to them is an attack against their content?  I have only been lurking on Truthtalk for just over a month.


I do not think that your posts are necessarily rude but I do believe that your use of a bold font (often called strong or black), various colours and sizes is unnecessary and keeps people from taking you seriously.  Let me quickly give you example of why I wrote the original post.  Do a quick search on Google (or whatever your favourite search engine is) for the use of bold/strong/black fonts in email.  For instance this is what I just found:


·         Avoid setting entire paragraphs in bold type (like this) because it is generally harder to read. The reason bold type creates emphasis is that it slows down the reader and forces their eye to really take in the words more carefully. But if you slow them down too much they may just skip over what you have to say.

This is found at http://desktoppub.about.com/cs/typestyles/a/bold.htm.  You will find many other typesetting/email etiquette guides that suggest the same thing (in fact I seriously doubt you would ever find one that would suggest that you use a boldfaced font for all your correspondence).  Bold type should be used with restraint for the very reason that it is considered an emphasis which often comes across as shouting in text if overused.  Note that in your previous email today you sent your Natural Health column.  The typeface you used there was not Arial Black but a normal, pleasing, easy to read one.  All I ask is that you simply continue to use a font/typeface that is reasonable and helps contribute the message you want to portray.  You are of course under no obligation to follow my suggestion.


PLEASE NOTE that I am not making any comment on the content of your posts (that is your theology, how you think about God), only the delivery.  You obviously have a lot to say and by listening to my suggestion I can guarantee that more people will 1)take you seriously and 2)not delete you posts as soon as they see how annoying it would be to read.  Tis kind of funny that I just wrote close to 700 words on this topic.  I hope that our future conversations are more fruitful.


Peace and joy,



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Barr
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 10:32 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Jonathan opts out of TruthTalk ...


... opting instead for FontTalk ...


\o/ !HALALUYah! \o/

Greetings Jonathan in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!


No offense given although you've taken offense, Jonathan.  You should try obeying Scripture (Psalm 119:165) but your antinomian ways likely won't permit that.


I used no bold in that entire post (this one either).  Just the 'Arial Black' font that I have used as a standard ever since taking to the 'net almost a decade ago.  I like it.  You don't?  Variety is the spice of life.  It is neither rude nor shouting.


"The truth hurts" as they say so you divert attention with your "size, colours and bold" distraction.  Distraction and diversion is the modus operandi of ha satan (YHVH rebuke him ... see Jude 9).


If you think that post was rude you'll have big trouble come judgment day.




Ahava b' YahShua

(Love in The SAVIOUR)

Baruch YHVH,


Chris Barr

a servant of YHVH

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