JT asks  >   Can't we love one another in our imperfection, and at the same time press on?
Yes, Judy, I believe we can. I would like that very much in fact.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 1:08 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

Wm. Taylor wrote:
......... May I say something to you, David? I would like to say it to Izzy and Judy as well. I know you are my brother and sisters. I do not doubt but what we worship the same Savior. I admire your zeal and I admire your desire to live in holiness apart from sin. My friends, this is my desire, too. May I say something more to you? I do not like the quickness with which you condemn your brothers and sisters.
jt: Hold it Bill, I don't believe I have condemned anyone on TT and this includes you but I have very recently been the victim of accusation and a sharp tongue here. I figure some people still don't understand the difference between discussing ideas and attacking people.
The problem, as I see it, with your theology is that it forces you to expel from your midst anyone who does not read into the Scriptures your understanding of God's words. If perfection is where you are, and if "genuine" believers must be perfect, then anyone who disagrees with you must be imperfect and therefore reprobate. Is that too harsh, too simplistic?
jt: I don't know if DavidM's belief is different to mine. I believe in sanctification which some of you may call "perfection" but
believing this is God's will for His Church and being there are two different things. We are all at different stages of goofiness working out "our own salvation with fear and trembling"
I hope so, but it seems that simple to me, and I do get that impression, especially from you, David, as well as from Judy. Do you want to be perceived this way?.......
jt: You wouldn't be the first person to get a wrong impression Bill.  Remember we have an adversary. I've missed a lot of what has gone on between you and DavidM because when I see all the Greek I turn off and tune out (not being literate in that language); but I have disagreed with DavidM in the past and have not found him to be disagreeable; also to my knowledge he has never kicked anyone off the list because they disagreed with him.  Can't we love one another in our imperfection, and at the same time press on?

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