From across the border we watched Americans cheer as their post 9-11 President, George W. Bush, employed his "doctrine of preemption" vis a vis Iraq. Did their President really believe his position to have been similar to that of Joshua who received his mandate from God? A year and some change later we are still perplexed: Where are they now to wonder if, perhaps, to have discussed this mandate further would not have been pointless? Woe to the one who wonders: Is that it?
Seriously folks, listen to your lighter cousin. The history of the drawing of maps has precipitated a kind of global myopia on the part of Americans. Along with your exaggerated sense of self-importance in the eyes of God comes an incipient eschatalogical racism: if we, predominantly white believers, fall the world falls. Not so quickly, please, God is "growing His Church" in South America, Africa, and Asia. He does not NEED us (read: North Americans of a lighter hue) to carry on.* If "judgment day" were to dawn in 35,000 A.D. this stormy week in redemptive history will rightly be called the early church. Who will think you so important then? If there is to be any "judgment" on America it will likely come, not from the "hand of God," but from those of Islamic radicals. By the by, in "living next door to the 500lb gorilla" we chimps may be recipients of the same fate. Might we have some say in this?
The "heart" is no more fallen now than "then." The world is no more a "dreadful" place now than in Noah's day. Surely we do live in a "different" world, but not on a quantifiably "worse" planet. Good guys and bad guys -- it was ever so and never so. Now really, don't you know, there is but One Good Guy: He who is at the right hand of the Father?
All who are and will be "in Christ" participate in that which He has already accomplished.
*For those who are interested in such matters you can read The Next Christendom-the coming of global Christianity-Philip Jenkins, Oxford University Press, 2002.

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