Izzy: Amen! I most certainly do. Bev, my much more talented wife than I, would concur. Lance
----- Original Message -----
Sent: May 17, 2004 10:06
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Gender Apartheid/Women (p'ly Mothers) & God's "Heart"

Lance, I love “El Rushbo”!  However, there is a big difference between “keeping women in their place” and understanding Biblical differences and godly roles for the sexes. Whenever a husband treats his wife with godly love, cherishing her and yet being a strong male, what a joy it is to take the woman’s role.  It produces a synergy.  Don’t you agree? Izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 6:47 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Gender Apartheid/Women (p'ly Mothers) & God's "Heart"


Terry: El Rushbo (a little Spanish lingo there) would be proud of y'all; not a feminnazi on this site. However, y'all do seem to deepen your voices a little when speaking and assert your utter maleness. What's the deal with that? Got to keep those women in their place, right? Lance

----- Original Message -----

Sent: May 17, 2004 08:04

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Gender Apartheid/Women (p'ly Mothers) & God's "Heart"


Lance Muir wrote:

Women introduce children(to some extent this can include husbands) to the world at large and, to the God who made it. There exists, I'd suggest, no role on the face of the earth more important than this.

 Nurture is the all-encompassing word that describes why mothers apprehend the "heart of God" in a manner quite distinct to that of men.

 I'd appreciate any creative (read non-traditional(read Biblically errant)) responses.

 As the camera pans in on the football player who's just scored a touchdown to whom does he say hi? Not to the one who taught him to play!

 Blessings, Lance

You are correct about the importance of the role, but it is a team effort, mother and father.  God has given responsibilities to both. Too many single moms have to struggle alone to do this job.  Even with two parents there is a high failure rate as evidenced by the prison population and the homosexual population.  I am convinced that my nephew is queer because his father was such a sorry excuse for a man that the son decided that he would rather emulate his mother.

P.S. Most football players spend all their money on the things of this world, ( ear rings, necklaces, cars, dope ).
The average ex professional athlete finished his career owing three hundred thousand bucks more than he has earned.
Mom failed to teach him math.

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