Judyt:No, I wouldn't put Jesus in the same category. However, I would put you, Terry, Izzy, DavidM, DaveH, Laura, G, and all the rest of us in 'that' category.
 Are we both reading the posts on TT?? Do you not perceive how one's 'perception' of the truth is 'colored', bent, skewed, influenced??
  Once again:'genuine' beliver + God's Word + Holy Spirit=a 'gazillion' churches, books, preachers, participants in chat rooms or, one's perception of the truth.
 Other than yourself does anyone else disagree with this equation? 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: June 07, 2004 07:42
Subject: [TruthTalk] Mediation of Christ -- the real vs false

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi Terry/Judy:TF a false teacher? This then would indicate that you two have read or listened to him with sufficient care and thoughtfulness to have distinguished the true from the false (according to your own perception of the truth).
jt: Lance it intrigues me that you always use the qualifier "your own perception of the truth" Truth is what it is and it is not difficult, it is written right there in scripture. I daresay if Jesus Himself walked amongst us you would put him in the same category.  Don't you believe Jeremiah 31:33, or Hebrews 8:8-11?  Is noone able to perceive truth by the ministry of the Holy Spirit?  Has God lost the battle and the adversary clouded the issues so  that the truth is hidden from everyone who does not agree with you, Bill, Jonathan, and Torrance?
If circumstances could be reversed would this make the two of you 'false teachers'?
jt: What circumstances?
This isn't the way to carry on a discussion re: the content of one's teaching vis a vis it's faithfulness to God and His Gospel.
As the TV has an on/off switch so I'd suggest you opt out of the discussion if you don't wish to scrutinize it with care.
jt: I've fallen for this one in trying to dialogue with die hard members of the rcc even going so far as to buy their new catechism which was a waste of time/money and didn't help any of us because if we will not unify around the truth of God's Word there can be no unity.  We would be much wiser to scrutinize the Word of God the bread from heaven because to validate your beliefs you will need to show them in the Word of God (in balance and in context). So far your group has put forth a few scriptures that appear to validate these claims ignorting those that would need to be excised if this theory were true.  We know we are making progress when we don't have to modify or cut out any scripture to fit our doctrine.
From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi Terry, you write:
It would appear from reading just a fraction of  what Torrance taught, that his teaching is a mixture. Part truth, and part oats that have already been through the horse.  If this is true, does that make him a false teacher, or just another imperfect human like the rest of us?  Terry
jt: Doesn't Satan always hang his lies on truth?  He would not succeed in deceiving without it.  The Koran is 50% scripture and every cult uses some mixture of twisted scripture in their teachings - they just add and subtract a few things.  When Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness, he used scripture, presented with his spin of course but it was God's truth he perverted.
How do his (Satan's) ministers present themselves as 'angels of light without God's Word?'  I wouldn't presume to judge Torrance the man, that is God's business but it is our responsibility to be Berean and judge his public teaching in the light of God's Word.  I consider it false enough to be dangerous.  How would you define a false teacher Terry?
Judy Taylor wrote:
I wouldn't want to be trying to stand in 'the day of the Lord' holding on to "but Torrance said" would you??

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