What is your problem?  Are you a Canadian obsessing about the US, or an American with a fabricated personality?
No point spending time praying for the countries of the world when ones own heart is in such sorry shape because "when we regard iniquity in our heart the Lord does not hear us".
I'm glad you've had the opportunity to travel but wonder what kind of circles you move in. When people harbor dislike and/or vehement hatred toward the US, that is their sin.
As for your 10 point list; most are irrelevent. I went to the Operation World website and have yet to find a country without any denominational Christians as well as the rcc; so whatever flavor you want is already there and some of those countries are sending missionaries over here. I've met some of them.  Why would you think the church responsible to feed the hungry of the world?  The example we have in the book of Acts is the church taking care of the church. The ministry of Jesus is outlined in Isaiah 58.. those who represent Him are supposed to be doing His works like healing sick people and casting out devils. Putting the shamans and witch doctors out of business.  How are the history of evangelism and German theologians relevant to doing the works of Jesus and what were the "Dark Ages" if they were'nt dark?
From: "Jonathan Hughes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
My, my, lots of political stews today.  My advice: actually listen to what others think of America; it just may be true.  It may be false but people flew planes into buildings to get you to realize something.  (By the way I think it was to get the Western world to realize something, not just America).


Do you honestly think that Americans are well thought of outside of your shores?  Why do you think many of them pretend to be Canadian when they travel?  I have done a lot of traveling (3 continents) and I was taught very early to always have a Canadian flag somewhere on my backpack or clothing.  It was amazing the different reaction I received as opposed to the Americans I traveled with.  Do you have any clue as to what your country is accountable for?  Do you have any grasp of your country’s history (or do you think like Judy that the Dark Ages were actually dark?) and why so many people not only dislike you but vehemently hate you?


When one insults President Bush, one insults President Bush not you or those that admire and love him.  Your logic is ridiculous!  If what you say is true this means that one cannot critique anybody as that would mean critiquing everyone that is even faintly involved with them (and by faintly involved I mean someone who knows what they look like.  I doubt you are claiming an actual relationship with Bush).


For someone who refused to enter into theological debates you sure are willing to enter the political arena.  Which do you care about more?  Which is worth discussion more?  Is it more important to think rightly about your country or about God?  Do you realize that God is not American (or Canadian or any other nationality)?  Do you confuse America’s prosperity with God’s blessing?  Do you realize (even faintly, c’mon throw me a bone here) that being unapologetically pro-American is to be unapologetically anti-Christian?  >From some of your previous posts praising your country and its leaders one would think that you think that to be American (to agree/accept and live under the Bill of Rights and the American dream) is to be Christian.


Enough politics for me.  Either change the name of the thread or actually begin discussing the Mediation of Christ.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ShieldsFamily
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 3:43 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Mediation of Christ -- the real vs false


Lance, Some Americans (myself included) would consider this to be another arrogant Canadian insult. Some of us are of the opinion that President Bush, with his academic credentials included, is a LOT smarter than those who choose to insult him because they disagree with his policies (which are unapologetically pro-American).  When you insult President Bush, you insult me and everyone else who admires and loves him, AND considers him to be an answer to prayer for our nation.  Perhaps Torrance hasn’t taught you any better manners than that? Izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir

  From someone who is likely to re-elect a sincere but pretty stupid fundamentalist Christian to be the 'world leader' for four more years, I'd say you have not been examining 'horse apples' but eatin 'em.


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