Chris, Chris, Chris:That dog won't hunt! Russia ain't in the Bible either. If you want to 'play' with Scripture then, enjoy yourself.
----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Barr
Sent: July 20, 2004 10:00
Subject: [TruthTalk] America in the Bible

\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/

Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !

----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: 07/20/2004 4:50 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Gay Marriage Roll Call Vote

There are no references to America in the Bible.
Hmmm ...
EZEKIEL 38 speaks first of all of the Russian Bear. It also speaks of others in alliance with the Russian Bear.

Verse 8 shows the context of time, "After many days ... in the latter years". This speaks of a future time from that of Ezekiel that has yet to be fulfilled. Are these times "the latter years"? Does this speak of OUR TIME?

Verse 8 also shows the Russian Bear with its alliances coming to a particular land. This land is "brought back from the sword". This land is "gathered out of many people". This land is identified as "the mountains of Israel which have been ALWAYS waste but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them".

Is this land of Israel the same as that of Palestine?

In verse 9 YahVeh speaks to/of the Russian Bear with its alliances, "Thou shalt ASCEND and come like a storm". It does not say DESCEND as south into Israel in Palestine. Scripture says ASCEND as in north to ??????

Verse 9 says to/of the Russian Bear with its alliances, "... thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land" as in an aerial transport of an overwhelming army, or perhaps a hail of missiles, or possibly even a literal "mushroom cloud"!

Verse 9 says to/of the Russian Bear with its alliances, "... thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee".

Is there another "Israel" than that land commonly identified as Israel that is also a most hated and despised nation?

Is verse 11 an even clearer continuation that Ezekiel 38 could NOT be about Israel in the land of Palestine?

Verse 11 says to/of the Russian Bear with its alliances, "... thou shalt say, 'I will GO UP' ..." as in north. It does not say GO DOWN to Israel as in Palestine.

Verse 11 reveals the thoughts of the Russian Bear, "... to the land of unwalled villages ...". The land of Israel in Palestine today is a land of VILLAGES that are WALLED.

Verse 11 reveals further the thoughts of the Russian Bear, "... I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls ...". The land of Israel in Palestine today is a land of VILLAGES that are on constant and heightened alert and that do NOT "dwell safely", neither can it be said of those that dwell in Palestine that they are "of them dwelling without walls ..."!

Verse 12 reveals the purpose and desire of the Russian Bear with its alliances, "To take a spoil". Once again, take note of Israel in Palestine today, its land and the condition thereof. What "spoil" would be taken from there?

Verse 12 reveals yet again the identity of where the attack is to be upon, "... to turn thine hand UPON THE DESOLATE PLACES ..." - - at the time that Ezekiel is writing - - "... that are now inhabited ..." - - as to the future date according to the earlier portion Ezekiel wrote in this chapter of "the latter days".

Verse 12 further reveals the purpose and desire of the Russian Bear, "... to have gotten CATTLE and GOODS that DWELL IN THE MIDST OF THE LAND". Does this apply to Israel in the land of Israel in Palestine?

Has Ezekiel 38 been generally misinterpreted? Review again this chapter beginning with verse 9 as noted above.

In verse 9 YahVeh speaks to/of the Russian Bear with its alliances, "Thou shalt ASCEND and come like a storm". It does not say DESCEND as south into Israel in Palestine. Scripture says ASCEND as in north ... over the polar ice cap with its SHORTER and more PROTECTED from radar route to America as Israel EXTENDED!

Verse 9 says to/of the Russian Bear with its alliances, "... thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land" as in an aerial transport of an overwhelming army, or perhaps a hail of missiles ... or possibly even a literal "mushroom cloud"!

Verse 9 says to/of the Russian Bear with its alliances, "... thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee".

America as Israel EXTENDED is a most hated and despised nation. She is taken advantage of, not truly loved, nor is she respected. Many (?most?) will join with the Russian Bear against America as Israel EXTENDED.

Is verse 11 an even clearer continuation that Ezekiel 38 is about America as Israel EXTENDED?

Verse 11 says to/of the Russian Bear with its alliances, "... thou shalt say, 'I will GO UP' ..." as in north over the polar ice cap with its SHORTER and more PROTECTED from radar route to America as Israel EXTENDED! It does not say GO DOWN as in south to Israel as in Palestine.

Verse 11 reveals the thoughts of the Russian Bear, "... to the land of unwalled villages ...". Does this not more definitively speak to America as Israel EXTENDED?!? It CANNOT refer to Israel in Palestine since VILLAGES there are WALLED.

Verse 11 reveals further the thoughts of the Russian Bear, "... I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls ...". Does this not more definitively speak again to AMERICA as Israel EXTENDED?!? Once again, it CANNOT refer to Israel in Palestine as VILLAGES there are on constant and heightened alert, do NOT "dwell safely", neither can it be said of those that dwell in Palestine that they are "of them dwelling without walls ..."!

Verse 12 reveals the purpose and desire of the Russian Bear with its alliances, "To take a spoil". Does this not more definitively speak yet again to America as Israel EXTENDED! Once again, it CANNOT refer to Israel in Palestine. There is no "spoil" to be profited from there.

Verse 12 reveals yet once again the identity of where the attack is to be upon, "... to turn thine hand UPON THE DESOLATE PLACES ..." - - at the time that Ezekiel is writing - - "... that are now inhabited ..." - - as to the future date according to the earlier portion Ezekiel wrote in this chapter of "the latter days". Does this not more definitively speak yet once again to America as Israel EXTENDED mixed with "... the people that are gathered out of the nations ..."!

Verse 12 further reveals the purpose and desire of the Russian Bear, "... to have gotten CATTLE and GOODS that DWELL IN THE MIDST OF THE LAND". The Russian Bear covets (and has ALWAYS coveted) the "CATTLE and GOODS that DWELL IN THE MIDST OF" **America**. Does not this Scripture address the geographical area of the Russian Bear as the instrument of judgment of YahVeh against the sin centers of America as Israel EXTENDED on our COASTS - - HOLLYWOOD/LOS ANGELES, SEATTLE, NEW YORK CITY, ATLANTA, FLORIDA. Is this not prophecy of the Russian Bear with its alliances seeking to save, to spoil, and to plunder the internal portion of this nation?


America was founded upon REVOLUTION - - "brought back from the sword".

America is KNOWN throughout the world as a "melting pot" - - "gathered out of many people".

America possesses much higher points than Palestine, and is the greatest strength for the nation-state of Israel in Palestine - - "the mountains of Israel".

America was a wasteland at the time that Ezekiel wrote. It was a land with a rich potential, although it was a waste due to its lack of development to that time - - "which have been ALWAYS waste". This CANNOT refer to the land of Palestine for it had not been ALWAYS waste, having been previously profitable prior to captivity.

America would be brought forth from having "been ALWAYS waste" when it would be "brought forth out of the nations" in mixture with Israel since Israel was insistent upon mixing with the nations throughout its history.

If you DO NOT KNOW of the history of ISRAEL after their CAPTIVITY and DISPERSION then you will not know WHO, WHAT, and WHERE is ISRAEL. Your readings of prophecy will subsequently be skewed.

I think the Exegeses Bible gives the MOST ACCURATE TRANSLATION OF VERSES 11 AND 12:


AMERICA as Israel EXTENDED would eventually "dwell safely" more than 2 millennia after this prophecy was given, or as the Exegeses Bible renders it (perhaps more accurately) "and they shall SETTLE CONFIDENTLY all of them".


Ahava b' YahShua
(Love in The SAVIOUR)
Baruch YHVH,
(Bless The LORD)
Chris Barr
a servant of YHVH

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