Izzy: Thanks for giving me more food for thought - hopefully I'm not a flat world thinker :)  I do see "dance" as an act of worship; Miriam danced and David danced before the Lord. However, I don't know about the Trinity dancing with each other.  Dynamic relationship to me, sounds more like the "dunamis" or power that is resident in God.  Yesterday I was listening to a message where the speaker referred to Rev 3:21 "to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his throne" pointing out that the Gk word throne implies "power" or dunamis which makes sense to me. Overcomers partake of His power.  I'm not against intimacy just don't want to be presumptuous and rush things. Jesus is the bridegroom - and while waiting the bride is to be making herself ready.  I don't pretend to fully understand  the "dancing trinity" but I do need to see things in scripture before embracing them by faith and I don't see this, do you?.   jt
From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jt, I’m no great defender most of the ideas of our Liberal friends, as you well know.  But please tell me you are not such a flat world thinker that you cannot understand a metaphor such as “dance”, which implies not polytheism, but dynamism—a constant beautiful flow of interaction between separate entities in One Being.  God is One. God is also Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in beautiful, flowing relationship. Dynamic relationship. Not stagnant. Ever-moving, ever-creating, ever-changing-things.  Do you ever dance in the Spirit? If so, you would surely not think so one-dimensionally. Just as the inexpressibly intimate interaction between souls of two lovers in marriage can be pictured as a heavenly dance of oneness; so can I picture the joyous burst of energy in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit’s relationship with One Another.  To take away that glorious aspect from a husband-wife relationship would leave a very flat, lackluster, dead pretense of a union. The same is true of our picture of God if we think He is just a big guy sitting on a throne ordering his partners around. Just food for thought my Friend. Izzy

"Dance of the trinity?" Like they are three people dancing with one another?  This is polytheism. I see God as ONE and He made us in His image in that as He is One being who is triune in nature and so are we.  We are primarily spirit, we have a soul, and we live in a body of flesh and blood. He is a loving Father (the will of God), His Word (Jesus) has always been part of Him, and so has His Spirit.  How would it be if I described my body, soul, and spirit as a Community involved in some kind of divine dance - I would surely be picked up by the men in the white coats :).  judyt

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