From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Jesus is who God always intended humanity to be and who humanity truly is--if only we will yield to God's Spirit and relinquish the illusory reality of the serpent's lie. As Bonhoeffer put it: "Jesus is not a man. He is man. Whatever happens to him happens to man. It happens to all men; and therefore it happens also to us. The name of Jesus contains within itself the whole of humanity and whole of God." Gregory A Boyd: Repenting of Religion, 2004.  PS:Judy: If you decide to respond to this please don't attack the use of a name other than a Biblical one (i.e. Bonhoeffer)
If I can read, with respect, what Judy Taylor writes then I can read Bonhoeffer and Boyd.  
jt: Say what? You sure have some high sounding theology Lance and it's getting worse.  You either have this "man is one with God" concept or else you are making Jesus part of fallen humanity.  You can read Bonhoeffer and Boyd, I'll stick with God's Word. Thanks very much...
In his theology, Gregory Nazianzus advocated the doctrine of the Trinity, including the full divinity of both Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. He emphasized that Jesus did not cease to be God when he became a man, nor did he lose any of his divine attributes when he took on human nature. He also proclaimed the eternality of the Holy Spirit, saying that the Holy Spirit's actions were somewhat hidden in the Old Testament but much clearer since the ascension of Jesus into Heaven and the descent of the Holy Spirit at the feast of Pentecost.
Does anyone here disagree with this???

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