We are made of the dust of the ground and, it is to that (dust) we return. We are comprised of neither soul nor spirit. We are body & mind. Any other considerations entail the introduction of philosophical thought (the soul) or a misreading of Scripture (spirit).  
Sent: August 17, 2004 10:47
Subject: [TruthTalk] Christians' authority over nature

In a message dated 8/16/2004 12:16:39 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Again the scripture you are looking for is Genesis 1:26  ....  judyt

This scripture speaks of making mankind in "our image."  We all share in that "image."  We are mankind -- male and female. 
jt: The OUR in Genesis 1:26 is the Echad or the Godhead.  Some like to call it the Trinity. It is Spirit.  God is Spirit. Adam and his helpmeet  were primarily spirit because they were made "in the image of God" that is after the nature and character of One who is Spirit (John 4:24), but God did make them living souls. The first Adam was spirit, soul, and body.

The first Adam was man, earthy in all aspects  (I Co 15:45-48.). From this scripture, I understand that Adam was man, not spirit.   I do agree with that last sentence "..Adam was spirit, soul, and body" because that is what I am.  As I read I Cor 15, the biblical message draws the conclusion that Adam was a man just like me.   I need a scripture that presents a different conclusion.  
jt: Genesis 1:26 tells us that Adam was made in the "image of God" which would make him a spirit being. Spirit communes with Spirit and Adam communed with God in the cool of the day before the breach took place.  Adam became just like us after the fall when, because of his own choice darkness flooded his being and he became separated from God.  He was still spirit, soul, and body, but his spirit walked in a different reality and Seth was born in the image of Adam rather than the image of God (see Genesis 5:3)
I have not spent much time with TFT.   I have, however, spent a considerable amount of time with Baxter Kruger.  
jt: They are both into this concept of Perichoresis arn't they?
The parallel I am drawing between the community of mankind and the community known as God is not his parallel.  He might agree, I don't know.   But for now, that is my conclusion and it is still in the "test" stage  --- but it is looking pretty good.  

Yes they had the capacity to make choices, they could choose to agree with God and obey Him or the could choose (as they did) to embrace the lie and act upon it.  Also there were two trees in the garden - they ate from the wrong one and the tree they joined themselves to ministered spiritual death.

I think it is important to understand that the Tree of Life would have given them eternal life, had they eaten of it, even after they had sinned.  
jt: Please tell me you are joking John... The reason they were banished from the garden was so that they could not eat from the tree of life. God will not share eternity with a bunch of devils and sin will have no place in heaven.

As far as choices (?)  -- God does not have a choice when it comes to sin  --  He cannot be tempted, therefore, there is no choice for God.   God is eternally secure.  So the "image of God" does not mean that we are like Him in every aspect, or even in more than one.  
jt: Adam had the "image of God" He was not God and he did have a God-given choice. He was being tested. 

Creation was complete when God said "It was good" but that creation is now fallen in the first Adam. Jesus came to introduce a "New Creation" which is His Body the Church.  The first Adam was made a living soul, the second Adam is a life-giving Spirit (1 Cor 15:45)

Why do you say that creation "is now fallen?"   And, here again, I am looking for a scritprual argument, not a logical one. 
jt: The scriptures tell us in Genesis 3:17 that the ground was cursed because of Adam and in Romans 8:22 that the creation groans and travails in pain"

The above is TFT's "incarnational teaching"  Yes Jesus is the sacrifice for all time but God is a Covenant God and Jesus is given as a Covenant to the people.  Covenant agreements involve the fidelity both parties and we enter the process of salvation so that we might overcome as He overcame. Yes it is all His grace, and it is all His power - but we have our part in the process if we have repented from dead works so that we may serve the Living God.  I'm not satisfied with a "form of godliness" are you?.

What about the fellow in Ro 2:12-16?   The text presents one who is not a hearer of the law -- of any law.   But he instinctively fulfills the law and with that activity, can be saved by Christ.   The text does not present one who has accepted Christ as his personal savior or held himself obedient to an ethical code of some sort.   Scripture everywhere teaches that God cares more for the condition of the heart than anything.   Somewhere in this "inwardness" is the image of God spoken of in Genesis.  John
jt: The fellow in Romans 2:12-16 is a believer. One who was not born under the law and who now instinctively fulfills the law because it is written on the tables of his heart as per Jeremiah 31:33 and Hebrews 8:10.
Mankind fell from the "image of God" when the first Adam fell; and the only way to be restored to this image is by being conformed to the "image of Christ"
Grace and Peace,

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