Jeff:Sticking to the Bible & doctrine are not mutually exclusive. You do know that, right?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: August 20, 2004 18:53
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christians' authority over nature

If this is the spoonful of truth that you fed me and I in your words,"spat out" I have to reply that there is a grain of truth here, then you resorted to doctrine. Not Biblical truth.  So, now I'll ask you directly to explain the Bet Din (the council) in Acts 15.  Please stick to the Bible, no doctrine. Explain the ruling of this council and pay very close attention to verse 21," For from early generations Moses has had in every city those who preach him, for he is read every sabbath in the synagogues."
    Don't forget Terry, at this time the synagogues were the places of meeting and worshiping for the early "Christians" both the Jewish believers (the evangelists) and the Gentile converts.   You see, from my perspective, it is you who spat out the Biblical truth in favor of man-made doctrine.
    You said those times are over, how terribly wrong you are. Or is Matt. 5:17-19 missing from your Bible?  Jesus said,"Don't misunderstand why I came. I didn't come to abolish the law of Moses (Torah) I came to fulfill it.  I assure you until heaven and earth disappear the smallest detail of Gods Torah will remain until its purpose is achieved. So if you break the smallest commandment AND teach others to do the same you will be the least in heaven, and anyone who obeys the Torah of God and teaches others to do likewise will be great in the Kingdom of heaven." 
Heaven and earth are still here, how can the time  have ended?  It seems to me that your definition of the word "fulfilled" must be that it is garbage and can now be thrown into the trash.
Something you might want to consider Jeff.  There was sin and there was a penalty for sin long before Torah.  Mankind left the garden with a knowledge of good and evil.  Sometime later the law came, and after that, the law was fulfilled.  In the meantime, no one was ever able to keep it.  It was meant for a people, for a time, for a purpose.  Those times are over.  Now we live by faith, evidenced by love and obedience (Works).

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