In a message dated 8/18/2004 2:51:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John, Are you only able to think about one subject at a time? Do you study that one subject to the exclusion of all others until you have a comprehensive theological grasp of it before going on to the next subject? How do you prioritize such subjects? At what point will angels and demons be at the top of the priority list, if ever? J Only wondering. Izzy

Bless you, Linda.   I have to laugh just a little.   You got me. 

Study wise --  our priorities are different  (all of us) and that is why a group such as this is even important.   It almost forces other priorities to the surface.   The subject of salvation by grace through faith apart from obedience to law is the most fascinating of all biblical teaching for me. Since my rededication in '97, that is just about the only subject I have studied 

Following my divorce, I left off church attendance and bible study for some 10 years.  No Bible study at all for those 10 years.   When I came back, I had forgotten most of my Greek, and many of my personal Bible study decisions.  That was good  -- the forgetting  -- because it gave me an opportunity to study with a fresher look  --  less bias.  Thank God I kept my books.

Regarding angels  --  I have to say that this is nowhere near the top of my list. Praying to angels is not a biblical practice of which I am aware.  I do believe in angels.   I do not believe in guardian angels  --    personal guardian angels.  I see no teaching on the subject in scripture. 

Demons  --  I see a lot of demonology in the circles I run in; some of it is credible, some is not.   The long protracted exercising of demons is not something I see in scripture.  My Pentecostal brethren are no more free of grief, pain, disappointment, personal sickness and the like than my Baptist friends.  Prosperity has nothing to do with why I am a Christian  -- but that is another subject.  

One thing at a time for me. 


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