Iz:No it (the cross) is not central!  What IS central is WHO is on the cross. But, what about that which preceded it (His life) and, followed it (death, descent, resurrection & ascent)???????????Hmmmmmmmmmm? Don't be theologically myopic.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: August 21, 2004 14:05
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Christians' authority over nature

John, Thank you for clarifying.  Kruger sees the cross (and forgiveness it provides) simply as fringe benefits of the gospel; this is the centerpiece of every cult.  I am very wary of any theology that diminishes the need for repentance and holiness, and ignores the centrality of the Blood of Christ as the crux of our redemption.  The cross is the fulcrum upon which all of the universe is leveraged. Fellowship is wonderful.  But holiness is essential to true Relationship with Him. “Western” theology does not see Jesus as just sitting on the sideline after His job is done.  We see Him as ever interceding for us and enabling us to live sinlessly. Izzy


Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christians' authority over nature


Izzy, have you read any of my posting to Lance?   The biggest problem I have with Kruger is the issue of obedience, repentance and the like.   But, I am not going to throw out Kruger because I have not figured this out  -- even if I come to disagree with Kruger in some important aspects, that does not mean that Kruger's thinking is of no account.   What is fascinating to me is his conclusion that community (fellowship) is at the center of the essence of God.  I had never appreciated the value of believing in a multipersonality Godhead until Kruger's comment about "fellowship"   That teaching has so many applications in scripture.   "Trinity" or "Godhead?"   Before Kruger, I couldn't have cared less.  

Izzy --- I will not omit repentance or obedience or whatever  --  I will find a place for those things that answers to scripture.  I agree with Paul  -- when I think I know something, I do not yet know it as I ought.  Static is out  -- dynamic is in. 


In a message dated 8/20/2004 5:52:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

All your new Kruger mentality gospel without repentance comments of late. Izzy


Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 8:17 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christians' authority over nature


In a message dated 8/19/2004 6:26:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John, I can’t believe it—you’ve gone over to the dark side. What name do you give your new philosophy? Izzy

Referencing what?

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