Slade:Briefly put:God's unilateral covenant with humankind is set forth through Abraham (Israel). Israel's entire history may be viewed as the 'gestation periord' (womb). Jesus (Emmanuel) assumes Adamic humanity at the virginal conception. Empowered by the Spirit the man Jesus, undoes what Adam did then ascends to the right hand of the Father where He continues to mediate (Hebrews) on our behalf. So, in Jesus, the Incarnate One, the obedient Israelite, you have both the redemptive move of God toward man and the redemptive move of man toward God.As someone has said 'two distinctives found in the Christian Faith are:The Triune Nature of God (a reality and, not a doctrine) and the Humility of God (taking on the nature of His own creation). So, in Jesus we (all of humanity):are born with Him, baptized with Him, tempted with Him, die with Him, descend with Him, are resurrected with Him, ascend with Him.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: August 24, 2004 18:48
Subject: [TruthTalk] Israel as the preparatory womb for the Incarnate One

I will have to answer this in two posts, if you don’t mind.


First the “Israel as the preparatory womb for the Incarnate One” concept. Perhaps I’ve missed something on TT. What exactly are you referring to here?


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] MS Outlook


Slade:You're a delight to have on TT. I'd enjoy hearing more from you. You've not, as I recall, weighed in on the issue of the Incarnation. Assuming you read the serious, not the silly, stuff; have you any thoughts on the matter? 


I'd particularly like your thoughts on 'Israel as the preparatory womb for the Incarnate One' 

Sent: August 24, 2004 17:08

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] MS Outlook


Thanks, Lance. I call that fat-fingering the keyboard. Sometimes, in fact I try to write the word “and” and the rest of the sentence end up in ALL CAPS.


-- slade

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