Okay, TT’ers—you are not going to believe this!  I just got home from the big night out (with my older son, Scot, since my Sweetie had to stay home and work on some lectures he is delivering to the U of Tennessee this week) at a GWB rally where the main speaker was Rudi Guiliani.  Scot and I were standing right in the front, not 10 feet from the podium where all the local politicians, and then the Fire Commissioner of NYC, and then Rudi spoke.  When he was finished speaking, Rudi came around the front edge of the crowd shaking hands. 


I was thinking, “This is great! I got to shake President Bush’s hand when he was here, and now I’m going to get to shake Rudi G’s hand!”  When Rudi got up to where I was I said, “Rudi, you made us so proud at the Convention! I had tears in my eyes. You outdid yourself!”  Rudi smiled and put his hands on each side of my face and gave me a big kiss on the cheek! Awesome! My son shook his hand, but I got the kiss!


Scot and I went out to dinner afterwards, and he called his brother on the cellphone and said, “Hey, you’re not going to believe who gave Mom a big kiss tonight!”  LOL!


We sat at an outdoor table at the restaurant, and as Scot and I were leaving a couple, approx in their 60’s, were sitting at a table that we passed by and they commented how much they liked our Bush/Cheney stickers, which we both had forgotten were stuck on our shirts from the rally.  Turns out they were Canadians! So you can imagine how shocked I was when they started telling us how much they want us to re-elect GWBush!!! My mouth fell open! They said, “We are definitely in the minority in Canada.  You do NOT want to elect a liberal like Kerry or your country will be as socialist as our’s is—it’s terrible.  We do not have anyone in our government who represents us or our views.  Canadians for the most part do not realize that we are in WWIII.  America MUST go to Iraq to defeat the terrorists, or Canada is not safe either!”  On and on they went.  I said, “You have no idea what a blessing it is to hear you say these things!”  I hugged them and pulled off my Bush sticker and put it on the Canadian man’s shirt, and you never saw such a big smile!  He said, “Thank you! You can always get another one of these, but this is the only one I’ll ever have!” 


Oh, Lord, what a WONDERFUL evening—Thank you!!! Amen!



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