Izzy in red below:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Terry Clifton
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 6:20 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Judgment?


ShieldsFamily wrote:

I believe the temple priests drew lots to see which one of them would enter the Holy of Holies once/year.  I think that gambling isn’t a problem if you are losing money you can easily afford to lose; ie: pocket money.  On the other hand, it is sinful as it is a waste.  You have gotten nothing for what you spent, except a few moments/days of hope that you might win.  Then you get the bad news—it wasn’t YOUR lottery ticket that won.  Again.  However, if you had invested each dollar you spent on each lottery ticket for several years, well, maybe you could have bought a rabbit! Izzy


PS If you DO win, remember your old friends on TT!


PPS  How many of you have ever known anyone who won a state lottery?  (I’ve known two.)


Just a couple of quick thoughts off the top of my head before it quits producing thoughts for the day.
1. Buying a dream for two bucks is a bargain, not a waste.
  I agree.  You’ve heard the story about the man who kept praying to win the lottery without any success? Finally God spoke to him and said, “Buy a ticket, stupid!”  Every now and then I buy a ticket just in case God was wanting me to win—so far He has resisted the urge.
2. Shopping for clothing at some designer store instead of a Goodwill store is a waste.  One will keep you from running around naked as well as the other, and do it a lot cheaper. ( I am not criticizing your shopping habits.  I do not know where you shop.)
  It all depends upon whether you are a retired guy or a woman who would rather buy a nice outfit now and then than win the lottery. J
3. Not winning the lotto is not bad news.  If I won, I would have to give up my carefree life and take on great responsibility.
So true!!! I’d like to read some stories about all the unfortunates who have won and it ruined their lives.  Then I could console myself.
4. Careful study and years of experience have proven that my chances of winning the lottery are about the same whether I play or not.
See #1 above: if you don’t buy one there is ZERO chance.  If you do buy there is one chance in about a billion.  Somewhat better odds.
5. If I win, and you happen to be living in a cardboard box and eating from the refuse in a dump just outside Manila, you will be the first one I share with.
  How about a brick box in St. Louis? J  If I ever win I’m going to buy you the fanciest rabbit hutches I can find! I’ve been making mental notes of all the places I’d like to support.  Maybe today I’ll start writing them down.  It’s good to have concrete dreams. Then I’ll be ready. (Oh, I’d better get a new ticket when I go to the grocery store this week!!!) You may all email me your wish lists so I can add them to the list. J Izzy


BTW, I’d rather see Terry win the lottery than anyone!!! Lord, I pray you give Terry the perfect winning ticket this very week, so he can bless the people you have put on his heart, as well as his own family.  GOD BLESS TERRY!!! In Jesus’ name, amen.  (Let us know when to celebrate, Terry!)

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