Michael D: I lend my voice here to Judy's and Terry's.  As I have repeated often recently, God has made faith the Law by which He intervenes on man's behalf. That's why we are justified by faith. God can do anything He chooses, but our faith/response to Him regulates His response to us. Jesus did said, if we can believe all things shall be possible to us.
Don't these things excite anyone like they do me? I long to see the supreme power of God in demonstration, and let the world see who the true God is. If we only can appreciate how God longs for us to understand this. I am trying to get a greater grasp on this, myself.  The apostle Paul actually prayed for the Ephesians as recorded in CH 1,   that the eyes of their understanding may be enlightened, that they may know the hope of God's calling... the exceeding greatness of His power towards us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power...
That power is towards us, in every area. I long to be excellent in walking that way in my life. Jesus said, herein is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit. God set things up this way that the excellency of the power might be of God and not of us. But it is all for us and by us. Does any one shout a resounding amen to that. This thing stirs me so much writing here that I feel like promoting a TT caucus of the willing for the sake of pursuing the extreme manifestation of God's power in our lives, circumstances, nations and globe!!! And I dare pray... May God make that happen many times over accross this globe. May His true children wake up to their heritage, and enter into the fullness of His kingdom, for this is His Kingdom...

Judith H Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Exactly Terry - couldn't have said it better.  Glad to hear that you and Vee were safe through
the storm.  jt
On Mon, 20 Sep 2004 22:31:14 -0400 Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Slade Henson wrote:
My point is the difference between the "could" [the inability] and the "would" [the unwillingness].
I don't think that Judy or any other true believer would question God's ability.  He is omnipotent.  Still ,the Bible says He could not.  I take this to mean not that He was impotent, but that He has set boundaries that He will not cross ( rules that even He will not break).

Evidently, one of those rules required an attitude on the part of those there,  that those there refused to adopt. ( similar to seeking grace without humility or salvation without repentance.)

God is unwilling to lower the bar, therefore He is unable to act as He would act if His standards were met.

That make sense?


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