From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hughes Jonathan
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 8:41 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Who to Vote for, and WHY?


Enough Izzy (spellcheck wants me to change it to Dizzy.  Tee hee).  If you are going to try to refute me at least put some effort into it.  What I said is that Bush claims to be anti-abortion but in policy does the exact opposite.  Your points below prove it again.  The first point and perhaps the most important one of this post are the answers to the following questions:  Are you honestly willing to look at the facts regarding Bush?  Are you reading for understanding or just to refute?  If proven that your support for Bush is completely unChristian are you willing to vote for somebody else?  If they answer is yes read on.  If the answer is no throw away your Bible and drink the Kool-aid.


Your post beautifully illustrates my point.  In 2002 funding was increased to 480 million.  In 2003 it was decreased to 425 million.  This money is used for abortions.  Whether it is 480 million or 425 million it is an awful (in every sense of the word) lot of money used to promote abortion.  In 2002 Bush did give 21 million to the UNFPA.  In other words he did support abortion with millions of dollars during his term.  That he removed it the next year says nothing as the money was redirected to another abortion agency.  So what is your argument again?  Do you deny that Bush gave 425 million to the United Nations Population Fund last year?  Read the facts. President Bush’s fiscal 2003 budget would cut US international family planning funds to $425 million and envisions no funding for UNFPA, the world’s most far-reaching family planning agency. JONATHAN I READ A WHOLE LOT OF OTHER PROJECTS THERE SUCH AS TREATING AIDS, ETC.  IGNORE THAT AS USUAL. Is the 'good' Bush is doing removing 55 million from one fund?  Lets vote for Bush!  Do you admit that 425 million used to support and promote abortions is a comfortable amount of money for you? ALL YOU DO IS PROVIDE ALLEGATIONS AND SLANDERS W/O ANY PROOF. WHERE IS YOUR RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH???????????????????????????????????????


Next point.  Bush gave millions to the USAID organization.  Your article points out that he only withdrew money for the CONFERENCE (read public relations move).  They still got their millions to kill babies.  Do you deny this?  Read the facts.WHILE YOU ARE DOING YOUR RESEARCH YOU WILL FIND THAT BUSH IS REDIRECTING US FUNDS AWAY FROM ABORTION AND INTO MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR IMPOVERISHED COUNTRIES.  WHILE YOU ARE RESEARCHING: WHAT GOOD IS CANADA DOING ANYWHERE?  WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT CANADIAN ABORTIONS? AND WHY DON’T YOU MYOB WHEN IT COMES TO AMERICA?


When you support Bush you are supporting abortion.  When you vote for Bush/Kerry you will be voting for millions of dollars going towards killing babies.  Sleep well.  The proof is in the money.  How come you ignored Bush's own claim that he will do nothing to outlaw abortion?  How about his definition of abortion?  Talk about being selective.  How about looking at the partial birth abortion issue?  Sickeningly selective.  Read the facts.YOU ARE JUST AS BLIND AS YOU CLAIM OTHERS ARE. READ THEM YOURSELF.  YOU HAVE NO FACTS TO SUPPORT YOUR “SICKENINGLY SELECTIVE” VIEWPOINT.  THIS WHOLE CONVERSATION MAKES ME FEEL DISGUSTED.  HAVE A GOOD TIME ACTING LIKE KERRY: NOTHING BUT BAD NEWS FROM YOU. GET A LIFE. IZZY


What does it mean to be pro-life to you?  Does it mean no abortions, a few abortions for selected cases (health of mother, rape, incest), or close to half a billion dollars worth of promotion and aid to undertake abortion?  If you are really against abortion you cannot, I repeat cannot think that voting for Bush (or Kerry) is helping babies.  If abortion really mattered to you (i.e. was your single most important issue on your decision of who to vote for) you would vote for a candidate that campaigned with the platform to completely stop abortion.  Voting for a platform that says they dislike it but will do nothing about it is hypocrisy.


To stop this conversation just sign on the doted line below and send it back to the group.


I, Izzy (Linda) support George W Bush in giving nearly half a billion dollars to abortion supportive agencies.  I sleep better knowing my taxpaying money and vote helps babies to be murdered.  This makes me feel like a Christian.  I like being a hypocrite.  Abortion makes me feel icky inside but I don't really care enough about it to change my vote.




We can discuss stem-cell research in a separate post if you like.  Be warned though - showing Bush's lies on stem-cell research is perhaps the simplest thing I could spend my time doing.  If you want me to waste the time fire away.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ShieldsFamily
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 8:39 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Who to Vote for, and WHY?

Izzy in red below.  Jonathan, if you can confine yourself to one attack at a time, we will begin with your allegations that President Bush is a pro-abortionist.  Yet you are very selective in your facts (as is the Constitutional Party, and Bush’s other detractors who selectively use facts to mislead the public).  Please see below, and then please apologize to President Bush for your slander.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hughes Jonathan
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 12:59 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Who to Vote for, and WHY?

More stuff on Bush and abortion.  Izzy, do you still feel the same way about Bush after reading this?  Does abortion really matter to you? 

And while we are on the subject of abortion, President G.W. Bush signed legislation in 2002 that increased funding for International Family Planning to the tune of $480.5 million making this Republican-led administration the biggest supporter of international baby butchery in U.S. history. That is not to mention the millions of dollars that Bush has approved for America's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.


Bush FY’2003 Budget Guts International Family Planning Funds

NEW: An analysis of the FY2003 Budget Request from Population Action International


UN Population Fund Zeroed Out

Feb 4 – President George W. Bush’s Fiscal Year 2003 Budget, released today, envisions a deep, 11% cut in international family planning programs. Last year, Congress appropriated $480.5 million for international family planning, including $34 million for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). President Bush’s fiscal 2003 budget would cut US international family planning funds to $425 million and envisions no funding for UNFPA, the world’s most far-reaching family planning agency.

The President’s 2003 budget proposes a $115 million increase in funding for the US Agency for International Development’s HIV/AIDS programs around the world. In addition, the Administration proposes a $120 million contribution to UNICEF, the UN’s advocate for children, and a modest $1 million contribution to UNIFEM, the UN fund for women.

The Administration’s decision to withhold funding for UNFPA represents a startling reversal not only of legislation passed unanimously in the US Senate and by a 3-to-1 margin in the House, but also of previous Administration policy.

In his first budget proposal to Congress, covering fiscal 2002, President Bush requested $25 million in funding for UNFPA. The Administration also approved the release of $21.5 million in fiscal 2001 funds for UNFPA after determining that UNFPA was in compliance with US law. In May, Secretary of State Colin Powell testified to Congress that UNFPA “provides critical population assistance to developing countries” (testimony before the House Foreign Operations Subcommittee, May 10, 2001).

Recently, many "pro-lifers" heaped voluminous praise upon Mr. Bush when he decided to withhold a miniscule (by comparison) $34 million in federal funds from UNFPA (a UN abortion agency in China). As usual, Jonathan, you toss aside the good that President Bush has done as if it is nothing.  You bias is so obvious.

What these ignorant (or deluded) "pro-lifers" failed to notice was that Bush redirected that $34 million to USAID Child Survival Health Program Fund. This fund includes money for "forecasting, purchasing, and supplying contraceptive commodities and other materials necessary for reproductive health programs."   In other words, all President Bush did was play the old shell game by taking $34 million from one pro-abortion agency and giving it to another pro-abortion agency. As American Life League President Judy Brown said, "These 'contraceptive commodities' are nothing but abortion-inducing chemicals that kill the very children that the fund claims to help." Jonathan Hughes



Tuesday April 27, 2004

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Bush Pulls USAID Funds for "Reproductive Rights" Conference

WASHINGTON, April 27, 2004 ( - The White House has announced a decision to zero-fund the upcoming reproductive rights and global heath "Youth and Health: Generation on the Edge" conference. The conference, said by the Washington Times to promote a liberal agenda, will feature several pro-abortion groups, as well as, the anti-Bush campaign that is spending millions to oust U.S. President George W. Bush.

A senior government official told the Times Tuesday that the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is set to cancel its support of the conference.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which claimed it never agreed to fund the event, criticized conference coordinators Friday for including two divisions of the HHS -- the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in their marketing materials. The brochure claimed that USAID, the CDC, and HRSA were "platinum," or top financial sponsors of the event.

The world's largest abortion provider, International Planned Parenthood Organization, and the U.N. International Family Planning Fund (UNFPA) are both featured at the event. The Bush administration has eliminated all funding for the UNFPA because of its participation in coercive abortion in China and its population-control agenda.

"The conference has increasingly moved from a teaching forum to a platform for expressing partisan political views, and that's evidenced by the inclusion of the political organization," a senior government official told the Times.

The decision to pull funding came before angry pro-life and pro-family groups began calling the government, HHS spokesman Bill Pierce said. "We also have concerns that they used our name and logo in their brochures without our approval or authorization because we had not officially committed funds," he told the Times.

Read Washington Times coverage at:


Furthermore, you have ignored the fact the President Bush has made stem cell research illegal on anything other than some samples that were pre-existing prior to his decision, to avoid abortions for that purpose:

Stem Cell Research Has Broad Bipartisan Support. Fifty-eight Senators, including John Kerry, sent George Bush a letter urging him to lift the ideologically-driven restrictions on stem cell research. Fourteen Republicans - including Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX), and John McCain (R-AZ) - joined Democrats in sending Bush a loud and clear message. John Kerry has joined members from both sides of the aisle to work toward overturning the ban on federal funding of research on new stem cell lines while providing strict ethical oversight as doctors and scientists explore their full potential.

Jonathan, Do you have any further stones to throw at President Bush regarding his position on abortion, or are you ready to concede that you were wrong? Izzy


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