In a message dated 10/22/2004 8:50:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
of course not, jt(!)  let's think:  i suspect that consciousness of sin is an original concept of the Ap Paul, spiritually, rediscovrd periodically by, e.g. MLuthr,
jt: Consciousness of sin hasn't gone anywhere for those with a conscience toward God. It was there in the garden just as soon as A&E saw that they had been snowed and had traded everything for nothing. It was shame and an awareness of their nakedness. It was there at Horeb when Israel feared coming close to the Mount knowing they would be exhumed. It is there whenever someone rightly experiences shame before an authority figure for a wrong done. No consciousness of sin and I would be concerned about a reprobate mind and a seared conscience.
 else even we, inc Pedro, would well be mired still in the myth/s of th Dark Ages; while so, then culturally, one asks naturally now, relative to Rom 3, of what are you conscious via law?
jt: The dark ages had nothing to do with spiritual reality - and this is why it is called the dark ages. God's Law is light and peace. What part of Romans 3? Vs.30 says both circumcised and uncircumcised are justified through faith and Vs.31 says "Do we then make void the law through faith?  Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law." So faith is not passive, it's not just all talk and faith aside from corresponding actions or obedience, which some call works is dead...(just hot air). 
while you admit (scripturally) 'I ain't always conscious of moral perfection', what are you but in agreement with, e.g.,the Ap Paul in Rom 3 and God and even with MLuthr himself?  stated anothr way, the point is (biblically, curntly culturaly) that ignorance of sin is tied to ignorance of the law/Rom 3--or, somewhat conversly, the more you pursue the law, the more you'll experience what you are really, intrinsically, extrinsically, exceedingly sinful
jt: I don't walk there Gary. When I was born again I learned that I had (in Christ) become part of the New Creation and that old things are passed away - and all things have become new.  I consider myself dead to the old man with carnal thinking, passions, and desires and alive to the new in Christ. I no longer live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God which would include His Law. I don't see myself "under" the law until I sin because so long as I walk after the Spirit there is no condemnation. I am in the process of learning to fulfil God's Law through Christ - like Paul who said he was not without the law to God but under the law to Christ (1 Corinthians 9:21). 
try to be perfect and say you're succeedg; the bible permits those who know the truth of Rom 3 to laugh like God in Ps. 2 who'll 'have you in derision'
jt: Again, what part of Romans 3 Gary? And what is so funny?  I'm a bit concerned you may have been deluded into taking on a God complex about Ps.2...


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