On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 14:45:41 -0600 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
10/25, jt:
>Daniel didn't have a problem with Nebuchadnezzar did he? 
to the contrary, Dan 2:24,5 indicate that Dan took certain steps to solve his problem/s with Babylon
why are you questiong this(?);
Judyt: I'd say Daniel walked in love toward the King. Wasn't Daniel an adviser and didn't he step in
and keep the king from having the blood of all of his astrologers and soothsayers on his hands? In fact
his light shone until eventually Nebuchadnezzar himself acknowledged Daniel's God.
iow, why the reluctance to criticize your gov't., even when it really deserves it(?); e.g.: 
Judyt: Because God hasn't called me to be a judge or a critic. As a believer I am called to pray for our
President. A critical spirit is not good, especially when we don't really know what is going on. In the
past what is below the surface comes out in the President's memoirs and history will validate or condemn.
"But you..Belshazzar [Nebuchadnezzar's son], have not humbled yourself [like Nebuchadnezzar did] ..
Instead, you have set yourself up against the Lord of heaven.. (Dan. 5)
Judyt: This is a prophetic word because their cup was now full and God was ready to judge - When
God calls you to be a spokesman for Him and speak His Words to the congress and senate - go for it.
Until then I'd recommend praying for them and trusting God for the outcome.

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