John, I await your reply. It should be interesting to see if you think you
have not "cancelled out" the meaning of Rom 9:13 with John 3:16. Do you
really think they are incompatible scriptures, and Believers must choose one
or the other? Or are they BOTH true? You seem to not believe the first one,
and wish to explain away the meaning of "hate" with a word study. Maybe it
really means "loved"? Izzy

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Did God hate or love Esau?

David's post:

Izzy wrote:
> Keep in mind that God loved Jacob
> and hated Esau. (Rom. 9:13)

John wrote:
> God loved them both  -   John 3:16.  Maybe a good
> word study on "hate" would help.

John, do you reconcile these passages together in your mind, or do you just 
dismiss Romans 9:13 because you like reading John 3:16 better? 

John says:

When I get back to my library, I will deal with this issue.   I will not
answer the question posed above, however,  because it implies a shallowness
on my part that I do not care to debate.  See you on the back side of the

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