John, I await your reply. It should be interesting to see if you think you
have not "cancelled out" the meaning of Rom 9:13 with John 3:16. Do you
really think they are incompatible scriptures, and Believers must choose one
or the other? Or are they BOTH true? You seem to not believe the first one,
and wish to explain away the meaning of "hate" with a word study. Maybe it
really means "loved"? Izzy

Izzy, why in the world would you ask this question?  " Do you
really think they are incompatible scriptures, and Believers must choose one or the 
other? "  Talk to DavidM.   He is the one who presented the option, not me.  There is 
NOTHING, Linda, in my postings that would give rise to your question, above.  


"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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