My mother showed that same consistant love to my
father and he became a believer as well. I am so glad
that my mom did that. I would not be who am today if
she hadn't.

Praise God for your wife!!!! I am glad she did not
give up on you and your relationship with the Lord.
And thank God for softening your heart. I'm rejoicing
with you.

As for getting burned, I try very hard to heal from
the wounds and not let it affect the way I relate with
the next person. And I am looking forward to eternity.


--- Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Susan Petersen wrote:
> >I think that there has to be some sort of intimacy
> so
> >that the unbeliever does not get the impression
> that
> >the love you are showing is fake. But, I can
> >understand that there seems to be a limit to that
> >love. I have felt it too.
> >
> >When I was younger (high school age) I used to
> think
> >that everyone was essentially good. I loved people
> >right from the start. I got burned often. Now I am
> a
> >little more cautious. Although, I still get burned.
> >
> >Suzy
> >  
> >
> ====================================================
> Mornin' Suzy.  Just a note to say that I agree with
> you.  There is an 
> old saying that "People don't care how much you
> know, until they know 
> how much you care."  People have come to Christ
> because of some street 
> preacher screaming at them, and others have bowed to
> Him when faced with 
> a serious illness or an emergency.  God can reach
> out in any manner He 
> wants to in order to draw a sinner to Himself, but
> for me, it took the 
> godly example of my wife over many years.  I am sure
> that I "burned" her 
> many times during that period, but her consistant
> love and example 
> finally softened my hard old heart, and now I am a
> blood bought, sold 
> out follower of my Lord Jesus.  If you ask her if it
> was worth it to be 
> burned somewhat regularly while serving her Lord,
> she will be glad to 
> tell you of His mercy and His love, not of her pain.
> If you follow Christ, you will get burned.  Expect
> it.  Expect lost 
> people to act like lost people, and know that the
> Lord is writing it all 
> down.  When the final accounting comes, you will
> have many crowns to 
> cast at His feet.
> That ain't such a bad trade, huh?
> Terry
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with
> salt, that you may know how you ought to answer
> every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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