I totally agree with your first paragraph.

Your mortgage being refinanced does not change how
much you owe on your house. 

God did not make the covenant null and void. He made
it better, fuller. He put Jesus who is perfect in
place of man who is imperfect. There is no way a man
could do what Jesus did for us because he is sinful.

I am not placing any yoke on you. I am simply stating
what I believe to be the wisdom in following the Law
as Judy says there is no wisdom in it. Jesus says that
His yoke is light. We should give up our heavy burdens
and take on his light burden. That is what I believe I
am doing.

We all have to make an account for what we did/ didn't
do, said/didn't say, and thought/ didn't think. In
what I have studied this is what I believe to be true.
Because of that this is how I have to live.


--- Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Susan Petersen wrote:
> >If the Levitical Priesthood is no longer relevant
> than
> >why do we need Jesus as our High Priest? And if we
> are
> >no longer supposed to do the feasts why are we
> going
> >to be doing them in the Millenial Kingdom? Also, if
> we
> >consider ourselves adopted sons and daughters of
> >Christ why don't we have to follow the House rules?
> >
> >Following the Law is not a thing that we do to earn
> >our salvation! We follow God's Law because we love
> him
> >and want to obey him. John 14:15- If you love Me,
> you
> >will obey my commandments. Jesus quotes the Law all
> >the time. Also, John 15: 9-11- Just as the Father
> has
> >loved Me, I have also loved you ; abide in my love.
> If
> >you keep my commandments, you will abide in My
> love;
> >just as I have kept My Father's commands and abide
> in
> >His love. These things I have spoken to you so that
> My
> >joy may be in you, and that your joy may be
> complete.
> >
> >Knowing and believing Moses and the Prophets is a
> >must. Luke 16: 27-31: When the rich man asked to
> have
> >someone  warn his brothers to believe, Jesus told
> him
> >that they had Moses and the Prophets and that his
> >brother should hear them. v. 31- But he said to
> him,
> >"If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets,
> they
> >will not be persuaded even if someone rises from
> the
> >dead.
> >
> >John 5:46-47- For if you believed Moses, you would
> >believe Me, for he wrote about Me. But if you do
> not
> >believe his writings, how will you believe My
> words?
> >
> >Matthew 5:17-20 tells exactly what Jesus came to do
> in
> >reference to the Law. "Do not think that I came to
> >abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to
> >abolish but to fulfill. For truly I say to you,
> until
> >heaven and earth pass away not the smallest letter
> or
> >stroke shall pass from the Law until all is
> >accomplished. Whoever then annuls one of the least
> of
> >these commandments, and teaches others to do the
> same,
> >shall be least in the kingdom of heaven; but
> whoever
> >keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in
> >the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you that unless
> >your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes
> and
> >Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of
> heaven."
> >
> >I John 2:3-6 explains how we know that we have come
> to
> >know Christ. "By this we know that we have come to
> >know Him, if we keep His commandments. The one who
> >says, "I have come to know Him," and does not keep
> His
> >commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in
> him;
> >but whoever keeps His Word, in Him the love of God
> has
> >truly been perfected. By this we know that we are
> in
> >Him: the one who says he abides in Him ought
> himself
> >to walk in the same manner as He walked.
> >
> >Suzy
> >  
> >
> ===================================================
> Mornin' Suzy.  We need a high priest because all
> believers are now 
> priests, and the high priest sets the standard for
> us.  The veil in the 
> temple is no longer there.  We priests can go
> directly to God without a 
> human intermediary because Jesus is there
> interceding for us.
> If you have a mortgage that charges ten percent
> interest over thirty 
> years and you refinance at five percent over fifteen
> years, you no 
> longer pay ten percent.  You go by the terms of the
> new contract.  That 
> is pretty much how it is with covenants, with one
> exception.  With a 
> contract, both parties agree to the terms.  With a
> covenant,  the 
> stronger party sets the terms and the weaker party
> has to abide by them.
>  God decreed a new covenant, making the old covenant
> null and void.  
> That was His plan from the beginning.  He told
> Abraham, "Through you, 
> all nations will be blessed". ( Not by becoming Jews
> or keeping the 
> Mosaic covenant, but by becoming believers,
> followers of Christ. ) 
> Leviticus 27:34 makes it plain that the Mosaic
> covenant was only for the 
> Jews, where the new covenant is for "whosoever
> will", Jew or Gentile.  
> The offer is to everyone, and everyone is equal in
> God's sight.  It is 
> not that God loves Slade less, it is that now He
> loves me just as much.  
> At one time, Gentiles were outside the covenant. 
> Now they are included. 
> We are not under the old laws, and it is just as
> well, because Peter and 
> Paul both made it clear that no Jew was able to keep
> them all, and when 
> you broke one, you failed as surely as if you had
> broken them all.  We 
> are under a new covenant, just two laws.  Love God
> with everything you 
> have in you, and love others as yourself.  At one
> time, it was 
> acceptable for King David to hate his enemy.  We do
> not have that 
> option.  At one time, the brook Kidron ran red with
> the blood of 
> thousands of lambs on every passover.  That is no
> longer necessary.  The 
> blood of Jesus changed everything.
> You probably won't be able to see this any better
> than my brother Slade 
> can, but it is the truth, and it is there if you
> look, not my word, but 
> God's.  Not my plan, but God's.  Please feel free to
> maintain any 
> tradition that you think may be pleasing to the
> Lord, but please do not 
> try to place that yoke on the neck of other
> believers.  It won't fit.
> Blessings,
> Terry
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with
> salt, that you may know how you ought to answer
> every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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