Oops. "Feat" was a typo. It should read Feast.

--- Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Slade Henson wrote:
> > Hmm...why then, Terry, does God repeatedly say it
> was for the 
> > "foreigner" among them as well?
> >  
> > You mention feasts, sacrifices, tithing, and
> Sabbath. Does this mean 
> > we no longer need to tithe or keep the Sabbath?
> What about the feasts? 
> > God says this is a forever commandment regarding
> Passover, throughout 
> > all your generations and that it is for the
> stranger as well. How come 
> > for Sukkot, it was done then, but it isn't done
> now, but it will be 
> > done again in the Kingdom? Do we get a break from
> these wonderful 
> > Feasts and times of joy and fellowship? If we're
> to do what Jesus did, 
> > how come He celebrated these Feasts and we don't
> have to? How come 
> > Paul continued celebrating the Feasts and the
> Sabbath?
> >  
> > Kay
> P.S. to Kay.  Missed answering a couple of your
> questions.
> Near as I can figure, when a foriegner was among the
> Jews, he was 
> expected to do as they did.
> Jesus kept the law because it was in effect until
> the moment He said,"It 
> is finished"!
> Paul kept the law (at times), because , as he
> readily admitted, he was 
> trying to be all things to all people, that he might
> win some to Christ.
> I cannot find sukkot in my Bible.
> Terry

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