My husband has a theory on the shadow of things to
come. He says that in order for there to be a shadow
there has to be a real object or person casting that
shadow. Jesus is the real person casting the shadow.
If we take away the shadow then we take away Jesus who
is casting that shadow.


--- David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Judy wrote:
> > When I say "Ceremonial Law" I believe you know
> what I mean
> > David - The Levitical priesthood, the Temple with
> it's ritual and
> > sacrifices and all of the feasts which were a
> shadow of what was
> > to come.
> The problem with defining "ceremonial" with that
> which is a "shadow" is that 
> such sometimes causes a person to ignore the law. 
> If a certain aspect of 
> the law is a shadow, then we need to look hard and
> long at it.  For example, 
> the law concerning Passover should help us
> understand Christ, since Christ 
> is the Passover lamb.
> The seventh day Sabbath also is a shadow, just like
> Passover.  Does that 
> mean that you consider the fourth commandment (of
> the Ten Commandments) to 
> be ceremonial?  I really do not know how you would
> answer this.  Your 
> response is reminiscent of the way that John and
> some others react to my 
> questions.  I think my question is honest and
> sincere and deserves to be 
> answered.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller.
> p.s.  Have you ever considered that marriage itself
> is a shadow of our 
> relationship to Christ?  Nobody would argue that we
> should do away with 
> marriage just because it is a shadow of something to
> come.
> ----------
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> salt, that you may know how you ought to answer
> every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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