In a message dated 11/19/2004 11:41:39 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I know that a lot of churches have this symptom. But I
would like to think that this group could hold to a
higher standard.


I agree but what we can do and what we will do may be two very different things.   I have long been a critic of the rudeness of most on this group  (me included).   Actually, Suzy, you are the only one who has not fallen  --  I credit that to your young age on this forum.   Pretty soon, even Suzy will suddenly get wide eyed, sitting at her monitor, her hair, what is left after the Pulling Cycle, frazzeled and limp, her bright red lips thinned to almost imvisible with this sudden and irresistable urge to destroy,  her husband hurriedly banting about the house trying to do something right, having seen the mystical rage on hi once lovely wife's face, full of fear that whatever is happening,  he is next.   Yes, Suzy, this too is your fate.   SAVE YOURSELF (or should I say "your husban's).  

The good news is this  --  the disappointment/rage that you might feel, if ever and honestly expressed on this forum, whether in grace or in haste, will drive almost no one away.   There appears to exist a certain masochistic communal tendency with those who remain that will not permit us from leaving.   Even the Professor,   Billy T, is drawn back into the flame of TT  --  hoping against hope that this time he is ready for us or that we are ready for him.    And, therein is the strenth of the group.   A willingness to particapate in spite of it all  ....    not to mention that most have received Christ into their lives and find themselves with family ties that may or may not be wanted but exist nonetheless.  

There are lots of debate sites.   I used to go to them.   At the end of the day, however,  there was nothing to be gained from my attendance.    Not true at all on TT.   Not for me.   I have recieved insight (and, consequently, blessing) from the comments of many.   I stay because the frustration expressed by those who passionately believe their own stuff is both understandable, admirable, and fleeting.  

One of the most remarkable aspects of my stay on this site is that I suddenly understand Gary.   Quite frankly, I didn't have a clue nor did I really care.   The "myth"series gave me a new perspective for this mystery man   --   that last rather involved post  (the one with all the "s" words) was something that spoke to me IMMEDIATELY.   Yikes  !!!!    On my part, then, there is this increasing sense of bortherhood with a majority of those on this stateion.    Even David Miller.   In spite of the "edge" that Jonathan observed and is clearly present between the two of us (Miller and Myself),   I see in him a man who wants to  minister in the spoken or written word.   He is excited with what he sees as true,  he enjoys the sufferings he experiences because it puts him in mind of the suffereings of Christ  (we treat him much better here than elsewhere, I assure you).   What I see as rudeness and condescention is, in David's mind,  simply the way a prophet of God administers the Word of God.   He forgets, I think, that we here on TT are part of the assembled church, put together by our Father, for purposes (perhaps) yet to be expressed or known.  Whether my assessment of David is accurate or not  --  I regard him as a fellow saint.  

But enough, already  !!!    If you stay long enough, I think you will come to agree with some of what I have written.   Glad you are here, by the way. 

Pastor Smithson 

(I am thinking of going with "Right Reverend" just as soon as I figure out what that was to supposed to mean)


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