To answer your question, Lance, I believe that I am probably the only one on TT without an accent. J Izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 3:00 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Tearing down?


He (Abraham) participated and we participate. This in no way negates the possibility of a 'unilateral' covenant.


As to the charge of 'error':I'm currently comfortable subsuming most, if not all, my thinking under:The Nature of God and, The Nature of God's Gospel. (I should appreciate knowing what others of you think of these categories). 'Unilateral covenant' subsumes' nicely within that framework.


Driving home yesterday I was listening to an Aussie (Bruce Wauchope) speak to the matter of conscience (i.e. did A&E have one?). It came to me (no epiphany involved) that an accent and a tradition are somewhat similarly acquired. I do believe many people on TT speak with an accent. Tell me, can you hear them? 


----- Original Message -----

From: Judy Taylor

Sent: November 21, 2004 16:48

Subject: [TruthTalk] Tearing down?




From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Bill wrote: I see from the responses made by some of the other members that in the context of Gen 15 the qualities of this term are not that difficult to grasp -- or erroneous once you have.


DavidM: I don't think I have any difficulty grasping the concept.  We have all been spoon fed this doctrine for years.  I do question its validity, especially in light of the fruit that I have seen it bear.  I truly am becoming more serious in believing that this view of a "unilateral covenant" is flat out error. Let me ask you a simple question.  Was Abraham an active participant or a passive participant in his covenant with Yahweh?  I would like to hear Slade, Jonathan H., John S., and Lance also answer this, and anybody else who would like to chime in.


jt: I had been aware for a long time that God walked through the pieces while Abraham slept. I hadn't pondered on what form God took - whether it was God the Spirit or the 'angel of His Presence' (the pre-incarnate Christ). I'm still not sure what this 'unilateral covenant' entails in the minds of Bill, Lance, Jonathan, John, and Slade.  However, in answer to your question Abraham was anything but passive.  His faith was sorely tried when God told him to sacrifice the 'son of promise' and his willingness to take Isaac to Mt. Moriah and put him on the pyre showed it's genuineness. That was 'good fruit' and God did not do this for him.  We are co-laborers with God and faith without corresponding actions is dead. Would the covenant still have been unilateral if Abraham had not obeyed God?  judyt







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