Is it not Christ's obedience that benefits Abraham's descendants?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Slade Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: November 24, 2004 19:14
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Unilateral covenant

> DAVE -- Quite frankly, Slade, sometimes I think I am more for keeping the
> Torah of
> God than you are.  Is that possible? :-)
> SLADE -- No. You misunderstand.
> DAVE -- Not really. Abraham's obedience benefited his descendants in the
> same way that Christ's obedience benefits us.  The disobedience of
> descendants caused them not to receive the promises and benefits of the
> Avrahamic covenant just as our own lack of faith and disobedience would
> cause us not to inherit the promises of Christ.
> SLADE -- I agree. There is a blessing associated with obedience. I am
> referring to our absolute, perfect, participation is required for the
> covenant to continue. In other words, even in disobedience and rebellion,
> the covenant is still active and in force. That's where the curses come
> play (the curses are designed to effectively bring you back to obedience).
> When we look at the Israelis in their Biblical struggles, it's clear that
> the curses/blessings are playing an integral part. Even in modern times
> last 2,000 years), the song remains the same.
> ----------
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