perhaps sin has certain concrete qualities (sins), e.g.,  i seen a sleight of hand in the cookie jar while evil has certain abstract qualities, e.g., what transpired in the rise and fall of the 3rd reich(?);
but what's the fundamental diff betw the rise and fall of the 3rd reich as a story told by whose biographer/s(?)  and a shrug that translates to  'i was starvd and i really thought you wouldn't mind if i tried to satisfy myself with a handful of your cookies and gave a few to my best friends...' ?
(both 'explanations' may be laden with myth:)
 On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 18:58:20 -0500 Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

If I am not mistaken, some of us are talking about evil and sin. Are they not one and the same?

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