what is schizophrenia; is the word employd correctly here; e.g., maybe it's too tight of an interpretation when 'multifaceted' (in a more positv sense) is accurate(?)
ftr, the Ap Paul speaks of 'covenants' (pl.)--check this out, too
On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 21:13:02 -0500 "Jonathan Hughes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 We speak of the law-giving God (the giver of Torah) and the God of grace as if they are mutually exclusive.  We speak of a God who is love, who hates.  We speak of a God who has more than one covenant, instead of one covenant that is renewed.  When we approach certain scriptures it is almost as if we come to them with a certain part of God in mind.  When we read Deuteronomy we read it with the Law-giving God in mind, not the God of grace.  When we read of the mass slaughter of Israel’s neighbors we read it with the God who hates in the forefront, with the God who loves in the background.  God becomes schizophrenic.

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