while we're in this thread..to me, actual Spiritual comm/*unity* turning on biblical truth demythologizes JCs leadershp of his original, historical, and current followers..e.g., when JC chose Judas, did he a priori figure Judas would be lost..why..what are the implications of losing Judas for (e.g.) you being chosen by God(?)..one theologian i read says Judas hung himself before the crucifixion so he would die himself knowg that JC did not die for him..remarkable..
On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 13:50:02 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
the *unity* of God's Spirit, Person, and Son is virtually assured in while not explained in Scripture..at best, J's alleged 'schizo God' is speculative, obviously, and perhaps even imaginative (Lance:)...one may inquire how God's unity'd be rooted in alleged 'conflict' or 'conflictedness' 
On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 15:16:35 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In a message dated 11/26/2004 8:06:27 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
DAVEH:  Do any Christians really understand the Trinity paradox?


I do not believe that we can stand far enough back or above or look inward deeply enough to understand..God..

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