Charles Perry Locke wrote:
DaveH, it seems to me that the LDS have to have an explanation for everything,
DAVEH:  IF there is an explanation for everything, then is there a reason why those who are searching for truth cannot find those answers?
even at the expense of being wrong.
DAVEH:  You say that as though everything you believe and understand is right, Perry.
They cannot allow any aspect of God to be unknown.
DAVEH:  I'm not sure why you say that.  I offer your comment as evidence that some of what you believe is wrong.
They seem to think they understand God and His nature, going way beyond what is scripturally revealed.
DAVEH:  First, I don't recall LDS theology as claiming it fully understands God and His nature.  I'd be interested to see any LDS material you think supports your theory on that.

    Second......You apparently limit Scripture to what is contained in the Bible.  We believe God Scripturally has revealed Himself and His nature beyond the confines of the Bible.  Personally, I believe that if you limit your understanding of God to just what you find in the Bible, you may be missing a wonderful opportunity to gain a really deeper understanding of our Father in Heaven.   Perry, go to the seaside today and look at the sand on the beach, the water in the ocean.  Now, imagine how the earth would appear from the vantage point of standing on the moon.  Then tonight, look up into the heavens and view the seemingly endless vastness of space.  Does the Bible give you that same perspective of the creative power of the Lord?

    So Perry......Izzy suggests she perceives and comprehends the nature and significance of God.  May I ask the same question of you?


From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

ShieldsFamily wrote:

   1. To perceive and comprehend the nature and significance of; grasp.
   2. To know thoroughly by close contact or long experience with.

These are the first two definitions of "understand".  Yes, I would say so. Izzy

DAVEH:  Do you find it easy to explain, Izzy?  It seems to me that Christians don't have easy explanations, hence they label it as a paradox.


*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] *On Behalf Of *Dave Hansen
*Sent:* Friday, November 26, 2004 10:06 PM
*Subject:* Re: [TruthTalk] The Schizophrenic God

DAVEH:  Do any Christians really understand the Trinity paradox?

ShieldsFamily wrote:

This Thanksgiving take a look at your God.  Who is He?  Is He divided in any way?  Is He at conflict within Himself?  Could all that you say about the Father be said of Jesus Christ?  If you were to make three statements about Him what would they be?


BTW, one cannot be a Christian w/o understanding and accepting paradox. Iz




Dave Hansen



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