No one knew everything that God approved/disapproved until He gave us His word. Be real. Izzy

Being real has nothing to do with question.   It is not an answer -- only the _expression_ of bias with no real purpose in evidence.   The Gentile in Romans 2 was without a legal statement.    How does he know of sodomy?  



Romans 2 is referring to the fact that we all have been born with a God-given conscience. (A position that Lance, at least, will take umbrage with.) However, most people have developed a seared conscience due to their own sin.  Please note my evidence here: There are “Christians” that you and I encounter every day who HAVE God’s word right in front of them and still can’t tell right from wrong. Or, worse yet, they read it and say That’s just Old Testament; it doesn’t count anymore.  Izzy

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