John wrote:
> It is 11:30 my time.   The post below has 9:17 PM
> for the time sent  --   something I wrote and sent
> around 7:30, in fact. I have missed a number of posts,
> entirely, based upon the fact that I have come across
> a number of posts copied over which were never received
> --  but there they are in your (you all) posts.   Problem.
> Also     -------------   have I been shunned, as they say?

Hi John.  I'm sorry you are having problems receiving mail.  AOL is 
constantly revamping ways to stop spam, and somehow their system is blocking 
mail from us.  The connection from our mail server to AOL is rejected with a 
notice that some of their users have instructed their software that mail 
from us is spam.  When our connection is rejected, our mail server will keep 
trying to resend the mail from time to time, and sometimes the AOL mail 
servers will accept it.  This is what explains the delays you have 
experienced.  I have asked to be put on AOL's feedback system to be notified 
when someone complains of our mail being spam, but thus far I have not 
received a single notification of a complaint.

I would encourage you to complain to AOL about this problem.  I think they 
need to readjust their system.  I have problems sometimes sending personal 
mail to AOL users too because they have marked our IP as a spam concern. 
They probably use a variety of factors to reject mail, and email from a list 
like truthtalk probably adds weight to their algorithm and makes mail from 
TruthTalk even less likely to be allowed through.

In the mean time, you could sign up for an email account on yahoo or 
hotmail, or I could set you up an email account on if you like. 
Or, you can just wait it out and hope AOL fixes the problem.

I know of one user who complained to AOL, but he got some South African on 
the phone who could not really help.  He was simply told that our mail 
server was spamming millions of people, which I know is not true.  I could 
send them our mail logs to prove it, but I don't know anybody there who 
would receive them and fix this problem.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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