As I said, most cases never reach a jury, and the plaintiff’s lawyers know it.  Izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Slade Henson
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 7:32 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Whats next?


Maybe if the doctors didn't mess up, they wouldn't get sued. The standard for medical malpractice claims are VERY high, so it's hard to win a lawsuit....that means there has to be some egregious error made by the doctor in the first place before a suit can be brought forth and won. Makes me wonder about the doctors you've got out there. So glad I use alternative medicine....





-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of ShieldsFamily
Sent: Thursday, 06 January, 2005 20.19
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Whats next?


(Sorry Iz, I cannot support him on this one, either....:)

You never file any claim, (tort claim or otherwise) with a dollar amount in it. You ALWAYS let the jury decide. Juries tend to award the big bucks.....




That’s exactly why we need some kind of caps.  I live too close to East St. Louis, the capitol of Hit the Jackpot claims that have driven doctors out of the area—they can’t afford the soaring medical malpractice insurance.  (You should see the shyster lawyer TV ads we have here!  “Did something bad happen to you or your loved one?  Well SOMEONE should PAY!!!”) Now the welfare folks come across the river to the St. Louis hospitals in search of someone to sue.  It’s illegal for the hospitals to turn them away. And if they are on Medicare, the gov’t caps what the hospital gets reimbursed for their care (often it’s a big loss).  Our government also has a law stating that hospitals must provide translators for non-English speaking patients, yet the cost is not reimbursed by the gov’t.!  St. Louis has the largest Bosnian refugee population in America, plus lots of Hispanics, etc.  They are often on welfare, plus the hospital must pay for a translator.  It’s a huge loss.  No wonder so many inner-city hospitals have had to just fold up.  St. Louis’ hospital for the indigent folded a few years ago, and now the burden is on St. Louis University Hospital and Barnes Hospital mostly. Our SLU hospital auxiliary uses some of its funds to pay for translators of whatever language just to help keep the hospital in business.  The corrupt ones are ruining medical care for the rest of us. That’s why we need to support reform in this area. Izzy


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