Something  else:  if we are saved by the faith of Christ Himself,  that salvation must be full and complete   -------------     not because of our efforts but because of His.   We are made to stand,   by another (Christ);  our righteousness is a consideration based upon the faith of Christ Himself (God looking to us through Flow of the Blood of the Lamb);   we have been sanctified by God. And  I could go on   --   but the point is clear,  He has paid the price, He has done it all,  therefore, salvation cannot be by our effort, it has to be the product solely of the faith of Christ Himself, the Son of God and the door to eternal life  -----     a life that has always been there (without beginning.)    Wow  !!   Kind of exciten  !!!

In a message dated 1/7/2005 9:13:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

ust for the record, the following are some of those things I brought into this forum and where I am now.   I would be interested in a similar contruct from any and all. 
Those words above were the first words of what I thought would be a list issues.  Instead, writing this line after writing the following (below) ,  the Lord has led me to a statement of faith of sorts and it is ...................................... 

Water baptism:  for me, the last of the great Mohicans as regards my works salvationist upbring.    I believed that works AND faith carried equal weight. That changed shortly before I came to this list.  And at the time I came onto this list,  I  believed that God had two considerations in His thinking on salvation:  1) that the condition of the heart carried more weight in the soteriological sense that any other consideration  ---  that salvation occured apart from obedience.    A prayerful consideration  of Ps 51 and Romans 2:8-29  showed  me  the basis for God's judgment in our lives and confirmed the  above thinking;    2) that when this salvation is expressed in Jesus Christ  --   we have confidence and definition in regard to our salvation.   We know we are saved.   The entire letter of I john is written with this purpose in mind  --   that we might have confidence in our salvation.   As luck would have it,  where I was when I came to this forum was accidently correct, as far as it went. 

(after coming to this list  --  this is what happened next)

Sadly, I did not understand why this was so  --   although I thought I did  --  an accident.     Paul's argument (Gal 3) that the Abrahmic promise was extended to Jesus Christ (as the seed, not of many but as of one   v 16)  opened the door to understanding that it is the faith of Christ that has secured (aorist, if you will)  our salvation.   When I combine this biblical fact with the idea that community is the very image of God,  that we were created in this image,  that not only attachment to others ("
it is not good for man to be alone") but  a profound and  expressed caring for those "others"  is the central issue in any definition of this Image,  the conclusion if forced upon me in this wise:   that Christ, in the flesh, was no less involved in this Image (of community) than before or after the incarnation event;  that He (in the flesh) gives definition of  "God" (and I changed verb tenses, here,  intentionally for His was an action begun during the incarnation and extending to this very moment or any moment we call "now.")  and my imitation of Him (to any degree) in deed and perhaps word has the benefit of a salvation already procured for me in the Christ of the Cross.  I loose my salvation when I move to serve myself and in so doing, deny the very Image I am.  I am destroyed in serving self.  

My faith in Christ does not save me  --  it gives me confidence and opens the door to an understanding of the soteriological process I am involved in as a human being  --  knowingly or not.   When the biblical message speaks of "saved,"  "being saved" and a future "salvation,"   it is demonstrating the process we are all involved in.   The fact that "judgment day" is for all of mankind proves, to me, that this process is for us all and that we are all involved in it, like it or not  ---   whether they have heard of Christ or not  -   no matter what.   

Water baptism?   How did that figure in?   Well,   I used to believe that you had to be baptised to be saved.   Now, and here is the change for me,  I believe that anything I do, including water baptism however you define it (
immersion or sprinkling, I do not care), and especially those things done in the name of the Lord,  are acts that reveal God in  Christ through me to others.   I can preach it or I can simply perform.    All is to the revealed glory and certainty of the Great God Almighty.   So baptism saved me years ago, at age 12, because it was an _expression_ of the very faith of Christ Jesus Himself.   He was even baptised !!!   And now I am doing it   ------------    that is salvation. 
                                His life is mirrored in mine when I do what He did
                              His life is confirmed in mine when I do what He wills. 
                                                                                               -- me --
How could this not be salvation? 

And the "baptism" that really matters to me, is the one spoken of in Gal 3:26,27  --   a full immersion into Christ Himself.   

"Work out your own salvation in fear and trembling for it is God at work in you both to will and to perform His good pleasure"  (Phil 2:12,13).   Why did Paul add "fear and trembling".   The message is the same without this parenthetical.  It is exactly the same, to me.   So why?   Because, if the performance of righteousness is act of community and its individual memership  --   the pronouncement that it is God performing in us should bring to our mind a startled awareness that is manifest in fear and trembling.   In this passage , Paul has suddenly put his readership in tune with that which is the Subtle Force behind their works of goodness.   Suddenly  --   there it is!!   Community with God Himself.    He has been there all the while.    We have manifested Him over and over and over again  --   perphaps without even knowing.     And when we move away from any beneficial _expression_ of this Image (community), we are moving away from Christ and His God.   We are denying Him and He Who Made Us.  

There is a very real sense, then, that salvation is ours to loose.  

For the first time  --   I think I have understand this thing I have called "salvation" for, lo, these many years.     

You read, you decide. 

Incidently,  God revealed this to me  -   not my friends in the liberal Triad.  I have confidence that they will be the first to admit this and point the finger to their God.   Thanks. 

John David Smithson
Pastor and Bishop of Caleeeefornia

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