In a message dated 1/8/2005 6:20:37 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John wrote  > There is a very real sense, then, that salvation is ours to loose.  

I agree with you, John. However, it is only before we have once placed our faith in Jesus Christ that we may lose our salvation -- and so, this may be a fairly significant HOWEVER that we will need to work out. I do not believe the one who has heard the good news of Jesus Christ and believed that message will ever lose his or her salvation, because upon believing in Jesus Christ, believers receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, who in the Power of God secures their salvation forever; the Gift guarantees their inheritance in Christ. Check out the wording here and see if you see what I am saying: In [Christ] you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory" (Eph 1.13-14).

At first glance,  I thought Bill was actually disagreeing with my statement  --  kind of a surprise.   But after reading and reviewing the above , it does not seem that we are far apart, at all.  So, I am missing something, here.  

Let me put it another way  --  and with fewer words. 

I have studied Romans more times than I can count.   What I see there presented by Paul, at least through the first seven chapters is a dual theme:  1) man is a sinner and worthy of even death and 2) his (man's ) problems are solved in and through Christ.  

Romans 1  --  homosexuality along with 25 other listed sins are issues that effect all of us       
           (Romans 2:1ff).  The kindness, forbearance and patience of God is the soluton.

Romans 3  --  all have sinned and continually fall short of His glory.  BUT
          Blessed is the man whose sins God will not take into account.  (Romans 4)

Romans 5           While we were yet hopeless
           Christ died for the ungodly  (v 6)  {that would be all the ungodly, I presume]

                           While we were yet sinners
           Chrsit died for US   (now there is no doubt, we are a part of the indictment)

                           By the transgression of the one, the many died
            By one does the gift of grace abound to the many

Romans 6             The wages of sin is death
            But the free gift results in eternal life IN Chrsit Jesus our Lord.

Romans 7              Who will set me free from this body of death?
             Thanks be to Christ

Man is connected to his Creator from the very beginning (thus, Christ's declaration of the children  --  "and such is the kingdom of heaven").   But somewhere along the way, he (most of mankind) becomes self absorbed   -----------    the very opposite of Divine Commonality.  Along the way,  man looses his way and is need of a savior, friend, partner, Brother (The Son is that to each of us), and  Father.   The Gentile in Romans 2,  the one who does by nature the things of Law without having any knowledge of the Law (?)  --   that man is not a typical picture of what God sees. God through Christ saves this man  --  based upon the commonaliy with God he demonstrates in his righteous actions   --  a mirror of his conscience (or heart)   It is clearly, the Faith of Christ that saves this man.  There isn't anything else working for him!!!

Those who do have Law, who have been presented the gospel message,   have a choice.  Some are confused.   Some deny the Lord and live for self.   Others "accept" Christ in their lives and live with confidence and direction  ------   having received a knowledge of the truth that others have missed.  

Can this person be lost?  Well, not if he prefers Christ?   Nothing can separate us from the Lord   (Romans 8)  -------------------     Nothing but our own decision to leave Him behind.   I do believe we can make that decision at any time.    I believe that we can leave off good works and serve self, even after choosing Christ.   But we cannot loose our salvation in any other venue.   Sin will not separate us  --   poor doctrinal considerations will not hinder our relationship   ----   judgmentalism on the part of those zealots who claim the name and feign knowledge of Him will not strike us down.   And so, I am saved until such time as I care not to be.  

How am I doing?



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