Scripture is very clear there are other gods, I would agree, however, I would say they're false gods. That's where I thought you were going with this. Rachel stole her father's gods and brought them with her when she left with Jacob. There are other instances where we see the people cursed for their idolatry. Anything that takes your mind off of God I guess could be considered idolatry. Money, material possessions, etc.
I think some dude was trying to help people understand God better and gave a midrash/parable of the three-in-One. I've heard the egg theory, too....the egg is ONE object, but contains the shell, the yolk and the white stuff. Three rolled into one. I think it was nice to give people more of an understanding, but I think it has gone overboard. You can't put God in a box. I think He is much more than three people.
I see Jesus as a man, as Scripture says. I see Him as God...fully God, fully Man. I see Him as the "action" manifested part of many parts of God.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Dave Hansen
Sent: Monday, 10 January, 2005 03.13
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mormon Related #2

Slade Henson wrote:
So, you're saying...yes, you believe in multiple gods,
DAVEH:  Yes........does not the Bible suggest likewise?  Look at PS 82:6......

I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

.......Now, most Protestants will claim that the term god was not used correctly here---that it really means judges (vs 1).  However, IF that were accurate, what logic would prevail for Jesus to use vs 6 as a defense........

Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

...........against those who sought to incriminate him as making himself as God (Jn 10:33).

    So, yes....I believe the Bible supports that there are multiple Gods, but because of the propensity of the Israelites to forget the God who brought them salvation, the emphasis was put on their worship of ONE GOD.
but you only worship only ONE God?
DAVEH:  Yes....Our Heavenly Father.
Or LDS believe in multiple gods and YOU personally only worship/believe in one?
DAVEH:  I/we accept there are many, but I/we worship only one.
Do you think the Trinity doctrine is worshipping three Gods?
DAVEH:  No....not necessarily.  I think the T-Doctrine obfuscates the nature of God so that those who accept the T-Doctrine really don't understand what they do worship.

    For instance.....I believe Jesus has a body of flesh and bones, which the Bible proclaims emphatically.  Yet I can't tell you how many times I've found Protestants find it hard to accept that fact.  I believe it is because they've become steeped in the T-Doctrine suggestion that God is everywhere, but nowhere and is only in spirit form.

    When you think of Jesus, Kay, do you think of him as a living being consisting of a spirit clothed with flesh and bone?  Do you think that characterization compliments the T-Doctrine, or is it in conflict with it?

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