jt: JOHN a dead baby is not my problem. I have a Heavenly Father whose nature and character is love and so I
leave all those kinds of  problems with Him cause I don't have to know everything. However, what about the babies of the Amorites and these other nations God was so disgusted with? I mean the ones where Israel was told not to let even one animal live?
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 20:50:27 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In a message dated 1/10/2005 11:42:20 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I think....correct me if I'm wrong, John....
that John is saying that a child is "saved" when he is born. A newborn is not cast into hell because he wasn't "born again". A child who dies goes to heaven...until he is of the age of accountability and makes his decision...either for God and "heavenbound", or against God and "hellbound".

Interesting and close to what I do believe.  
Judy  -  is a dead baby going to heaven or hell.  I am sure your theology allows for such  --   just interested in how that happens. 


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